buidéal, m. (gs. & npl. -éil, gpl. ~). Bottle. ~ bainne, bottle of milk; milk-bottle. ~ beorach, biotáille, bottle of beer, of spirits. ~ linbh, baby’s bottle. Ch: ~ níocháin, wash-bottle. ~ pionta, pint bottle. Rud a chur i m~, to bottle sth. S.a. scáil 5.
Tá an buidéal lán ~ sa bheag, the bottle is practically full.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
~ buidéil, casing of bottle.
2. ~ a chur i mbuidéal, to cork a bottle.
~ an buidéal, shake the bottle.
Buidéal cumhráin, bottle of scent.
Chomh ~ le buidéal, absolutely watertight.
Ag ~ cíche, buidéil, oráiste, na méar, sucking a breast, a bottle, an orange, one’s fingers.
~ buidéil, siséil, shoulder of bottle, of chisel.
~ a bhaint as an mbuidéal, to take a swig out of the bottle.
~ an corc as an mbuidéal, the cork flew out of the bottle.
Buidéal ~, cúig ~, noggin, five-noggin, bottle.
~ buidéal, bottle-washer.
2. ~ buidéil, slender-necked bottle.
~ plátaí, buidéal, píopaí, plate-, bottle-, pipe-, rack.
Tá ~ mhaith fágtha sa bhuidéal, there is a good drop left in the bottle.
Níl inti ach ~ i mbuidéal, she ‘is only a shadow in a bottle,’ is worn to a shadow.
~ buidéil, neck of bottle.
2. ~ (buidéil), neck of bottle.
~ buidéil, siúnta, seal of bottle, of joint.
~ a ól as buidéal, to drink a draught out of a bottle.
Buidéal a shruthlú, to wash out a bottle.
~ a chur i mbuidéal, to put a stopper in a bottle.
~ a bhaint as buidéal, to take a swig out of a bottle.
Buidéal ~, hot-water bottle.
Théigh sí buidéal bainne don leanbh, she warmed a bottle of milk for the child.
Tá ~ lán an bhuidéil ann, it would fill the bottle three times over.
~ buidéil, narrow pointed udder.