Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: slóg · log · sclog · scog · síog
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
slog1, m. (gs. -oig, pl. ~anna). Gulp, swallow; draught, swig. ~ a ól as buidéal, to drink a draught out of a bottle. Bain ~ as, take a swig of it.
slog2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Swallow. 1. Bia, deoch, a shlogadh, to swallow food, drink. ~ siar, ionat, é, gulp it down. 2. Engulf. Longa a ~adh san fharraige, ships that were engulfed in the sea. Mar a shlogfadh an talamh iad, as though the earth had swallowed them up. Shíl go ~fadh an talamh (le náire), the earth could have swallowed me up (for shame). 3. Sink, draw in, recede. ~adh a shúile siar ina cheann, his eyes sank back into his head. Bealach ~tha, sunken road. Smig shlogtha, receding chin. 4. Absorb quickly. an talamh gainimh ag ~adh na báistí, the sandy ground is swallowing the rain. Ag ~adh an léinn, devouring knowledge. 5. Accept eagerly, credulously. Bhí siad ag ~adh (isteach) a chuid cainte, they were drinking in his words. Níl feidhm ort an uile fhocal a shlogadh uaidh, you neednt swallow everything he says. Níor shlog gan chogaint é, I took it with a pinch of salt. 6. Recant. Beidh ort an chaint sin a shlogadh, you will have to eat those words. 7. Slur. Ag ~adh na gconsan, slurring the consonants.
slog3 = sloc.
Slogadh i g~ na farraige iad, they were sucked into the gulf of the sea.
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to gulp down sth.
~ fada aige, he takes a long draught, has a large capacity for drink.
~ ar an iasc i mbliana, fish is being gobbled up, there is a great demand for fish, this year.
slog ionat an bainne ach ~ leis an arán é, dont gulp down the milk but sip it with the bread.
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