Tá sé i m~ a mhaitheasa, he is coming into his prime.
~eadh isteach sa teach é, he happened to come into the house.
Teacht ~ an tsaoil, to come into the world.
Dul, teacht, i g~, to come into power.
Déarfaidh sé ~ a smaoinfidh sé air, he will say anything that comes into his head.
Cár fhág tú mise? Where do I come into your reckoning?
Ag teacht i bh~, coming into fashion.
Teacht i bh~, to come into operation.
Ó tháinig an t-ordú i bh~, since the order came into effect.
Tagann bád isteach go ~ sa chuan, a boat comes into the harbour at regular intervals.
Dul in n~, to come into gear.
Tháinig sé isteach sa seomra go bhfuair sé an leabhar, he came into the room and got the book.
Teacht ar an ~, chun an tsaoil, to come into the world, to be born.
Tháinig ~ ina shúile, a look of terror came into his eyes.
Tá na rósóga ag ~eadh, the rose-trees are coming into bloom.
Teacht i ~ ruda, to come into possession of sth.
Ag teacht isteach sa chistin, coming into the kitchen.
Sin mar a tháinig an Stát, that is how the State came into being.
Tháinig mise ar an treas glúin ina dhiaidh, I was born into the third generation that came after him.
Tháinig sé in oidhreacht, he came into an inheritance.
Teacht isteach i dteach, to come into a house.
Ar théarnaigh ó gineadh Ádhamh, all who came into the world since the birth of Adam.
Dul i d~ leis an namhaid, to come into conflict with the enemy.
Tá an bhó ~, the cow is coming into heat.
Tá sí ag déanamh ~a, she is springing; she is about to come into milk.