Ná déan a bheag díot féin ag iarraidh airgid air, don’t demean yourself by asking him for money.
Ná ~ do bhéal leis, don’t demean yourself by saying it.
Ní bheinn chomh ~ orm féin, I would not so demean myself.
Ag scamhadh geatairí do dhuine, doing menial tasks, demeaning oneself, for s.o.
Tú féin a ísliú, to humble oneself; to demean oneself.
Tú féin a mhéalú le rud, to demean oneself with sth.
B’fhada mar phaiste orm é, I wouldn’t demean myself by it.
Ní shuaróinn mé féin leis, I wouldn’t demean myself by it.