Anáil a chur faoi rud, (i) to breathe upon sth., (ii) to exert an influence on sth.
Níor bhrostaigh do dheifir riamh thú, you never exert yourself unduly.
~ a chur faoi dhuine, to exert an evil influence over s.o.
~ a chur ar dhuine le rud, to make s.o. exert himself, put s.o. to trouble, to do sth.
~ a chur ort féin le rud, to exert oneself at sth.; to take pains, trouble, with sth.
Luí ar rámh, ar spád, to lean, exert pressure, on an oar, on a spade.
Níl sé ~ leis an obair, he is not inclined to exert himself at work.
Bheith ~ ort féin, to over-exert oneself, abuse one’s energies.
Ná faigh a leithéid de shaothar uaidh, don’t exert yourself so much to do it.
Níor chuir sé mórán saothair air féin, he didn’t exert himself very much.
~ a chur ort féin le rud, to exert oneself at sth.; to put oneself to trouble to do sth.
~ a chur ort féin le rud, to over-exert oneself at sth.