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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: boireann · fireann · foirceann · fuireann · foircheann
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foireann, f. (gs. & pl. -rne). 1. Number, group, of people; band, troop, company. ~ laoch, band of warriors. ~ spéirbhan, bevy of beauties. Lit:~ an Bhéarla, the Englishry. ~ mhór díobh, a large number of them. Is leor le ~ díobh é, it is enough for some of them. Deir ~ eile (go), some others say (that). 2. Crew, team, personnel, staff. ~ loinge, crew of ship. ~ a chur ar bhád, to man a boat. ~ iomána, hurling team. ~ oifige, monarchan, office, factory, staff. ~ aisteoirí, company of players. ~ dráma, cast of play. 3. Set. ~ uirlisí, téad, crúite, set of tools, of strings, of (horse)shoes. ~ boird, table-ware. ~ dinnéir, dinner-service. ~ mheilte, (of teeth) grinders. ~ troscáin, suite of furniture. ~ cléithe, set of fittings for harrow. ~ fichille, táiplise, set of chessmen, of draughtsmen. S.a. clár11(b).
~ foirne, chief-of-staff.
Bhí an fhoireann trí chéile ann, the whole team was there.
~ agus foireann, (gaming-)board and set.
D’fhág sé an ~ is an fhoireann acu, he left them the whole caboodle, cleared out.
Duine a chur ar obair, ar fhoireann, to put s.o. on a job, on a team.
Thug siad misneach dá bhfoireann, dá n-imreoirí, they gave encouragement to their team, to their players.
Rang, foireann, scoil chártaí, a dhéanamh, to form a class, a team, a card school.
~ de na fir, de na mná, de na páistí, den teaghlach, den fhoireann, one of the men, of the women, of the children, of the family, of the team.
Foireann ~a, editorial staff.
~ foirne, crewman; team-mate.
Is breá an fhoireann ~, they are a fine team.
Foireann, páirtí, a ~úint, to follow, support, a team, a party.
Foireann ~, set of weights.
Foireann ó Thrá Lí, a team from Tralee.
Obair, foireann, ~e, office work, staff.
2. ~ cléireachais, foirne, feidhmiúcháin, riaracháin, clerical, staff, executive, administrative, officer.
Os cionn oifige, foirne, in charge of an office, of staff.
Cúrsaí, foireann, riaracháin, administrative matters, staff.
Tá foireann shásta agat, you have a handy crew.
Foireann sheasta, regular staff.
Foireann ~, tea-set.
A théarnaigh ó fhoireann Áine, who came of Áine’s line.
Foireann a thoghadh, to pick a team.
Foireann a thraenáil, to coach a team.
Bhí ~ foirne againn, we had one-third of the staff we needed.
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