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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: boireann · fireann · foirceann · fuireann · foircheann
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Additions to the staff, breis f foirne.
Set of bells (of church, etc.), foireann f clog.
He has won his blue, tá áit bainte amach ar an bhfoireann (ollscoile) aige.
Brains' Trust, foireann f eolaithe.
Canteen of cutlery, foireann f sceanra.
Sp: He won his cap, toghadh ar an gcéad fhoireann é.
He was capped, toghadh ar an gcéad fhoireann é.
Sp. To captain a team, foireann f a stiúradh, a threorú.
Set of chess-men, foireann f fichille.
The Abbey Company, Foireann na Mainistreach.
Touring company, foireann thaistil.
Nau: The ship's company, foireann f an tsoithigh.
Full complement, foireann f iomlán (báid, etc.).
The staff is complete, tá an fhoireann sa tslánchruinne.
The editorial staff, an fhoireann eagarthóireachta.
To be on the establishment, bheith ar dhuine den fhoireann.
Cr: To place the field, an fhoireann a riaradh.
Wrong fount, foireann chontráilte.
Suite, set, of furniture, foireann f troscáin.
Nau: The ship's hands, foireann na loinge.
Head-quarters staff, foireann ceanncheathrún.
To hold a staff together, foireann a choinneáil i gcomhar le chéile.
The home side, foireann na háite.
To issue the ship's company with rum, rum a riaradh ar fhoireann na loinge.
Staff engaged locally, foireann a fhostaítear ar an mball.
Nau: To man a boat, foireann a chur ar bhád.
Fully manned boat, bád faoi lán foirne.
Manicure set, foireann lámh-mhaisithe.
Nest of tables, foireann bord (istigh faoina chéile).
Nucleus crew, foireann bhunaidh.
The nursing staff, na banaltraí, an fhoireann bhanaltrachta.
Staff officer, oifigeach foirne.
He is on the staff, tá sé ar an bhfoireann.
On-coming shift, foireann isteach.
Games: To pick sides, foirne a thoghadh.
There has been a general post among the staff, táthar i ndiaidh go leor athruithe a dhéanamh ar an bhfoireann,
Regular staff, foireann sheasta.
Journ: Reporting staff, foireann thuairisceoireachta.
Scratch team, foireann ala na huaire.
Servers, foireann f (riartha) (éisc, sailéid, etc.).
Dinner service, foireann f dinnéir.
Set of fire-irons, foireann m teallaigh.
A magnificent set of men, foireann bhreá fear.
The team is shaking down, tá an fhoireann ag cruinniú chucu.
Set of shelves, foireann seilfeanna.
The ship's company, an fhoireann.
To be short of hands, bheith ar ghanntan foirne.
Shortage of staff, ganntanas m foirne.
To pick sides, na foirne a thoghadh.
Skeleton staff, creatlach d'fhoireann.
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