Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: gar · garsún · gas · gású · gúr
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gasúr, m. (gs. & npl. -úir, gpl. ~). 1. Boy. 2. Youngster, child. F: Ó bhí an saol ina ghasúr, since the world was young. (Var: gs. ~a, pl. ~aí)
~ an diabhail (de ghasúr), a limb of Satan, a scamp (of a boy).
Níl mórán ~a sa ghasúr sin, that boy doesn’t look very strong.
~ gasúir, lusty youth.
2. ~ (de ghasúr), big lump of a lad; pudgy boy.
2. ~ (d’fhear, de ghasúr), strong rough man, big strong youth.
An ~ de ghasúr sin, that miscreant boy.
Gasúr caol ~, thin hardy boy.
Is mór a chruaigh an gasúr sin le bliain, that boy has become a lot hardier during the past year.
Tá an gasúr sin ag cur leis féin, that boy is thriving.
An ~ gasúir, capaill, sin, that devil of a boy, of a horse.
Thug siad ~ don ghasúr, they ill-treated, severely injured, the boy.
Tá an gasúr sin ag ~t, that boy is shooting up tall.
Níorbh ~ duit an gasúr sin a bhualadh, it was no great achievement for you to beat that boy.
Tá na gasúir sin ag éirí chugam, those lads are defying me.
~ de ghasúr, tough lump of a lad.
An ceann feadhna ar na gasúir, the ringleader of the boys.
Is beag an ~ atá sa ghasúr sin go fóill, that boy is not fit to do much yet.
Tá éirim an cheoil sa ghasúr sin, that boy has a natural bent for music.
Níl ~ ar bith sa ghasúr sin go fóill, that boy has no strength in him yet.
Ghlac sé an gasúr as láimh, he took the boy in hand.
~ mo ghasúr é! That’s my boy!
2. Gasúr atá ag méadú, a growing boy.
Ag muinniú agus ag saighdeadh an ghasúir, urging and inciting the boy (to mischief).
2. ~ (gasúir), stout strongly-built boy.
~ gasúir, big lump of a boy.
~ gasúir, podgy boy.
Nach é an gasúr sin atá ag ~eadh? Isn’t that boy growing fast?
~ gasúir, fat, round-faced, boy.
Tá ~ sa ghasúr sin, that is a plucky lad.
Níl mórán téagair sa ghasúr sin, that boy is not very robust.
Gasúr maith ~ é, he is a good sturdy lad.
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