Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: géis · eis · gais · geas · geil
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geis, f. (gs. ~e, npl. geasa, gpl. geas). 1. Taboo, prohibition. ~ nó urghaire, taboo or prohibition. Tá ~ air, it is taboo. Is ~ dom é a dhéanamh, I am forbidden to, must not, do it. Prov:Ná bain do gheis agus ní bhainfidh ~ duit, leave forbidden things alone and they cannot harm you. 2. Binding injunction. Rud a chur de gheasa ar dhuine, to place sth. as a binding obligation on s.o. Bhí sé de gheasa air gan labhairt léi, he was solemnly forbidden to speak to her. B’olc leis na geasa a cuireadh air, he didn’t like to be so adjured. Geasa adha (agus adhmhillte), lawful injunctions (under pain of destruction). 3. Spell. Geasa grá, love spells. Geasa droma draíochta, inviolable magic spells. Bheith faoi gheasa ag duine, ag rud, to be under the spell of s.o., spellbound by sth. Cibé geasa a bhí aici air, whatever fascination she had for him. Gur briseadh faoi dheireadh ar na geasa, until at last the spells were broken.
Dlí, móid, tearmann, geasa, a choilleadh, to violate a law, a vow, a sanctuary, taboos.
Geasa ~ draíochta, severe magical taboos; binding spell.
Fuasclaíodh a geasa, she was released from her spell.
Geasa a lot, to violate prohibitions.
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