Go brách, go deo, ~, never again.
As go brách leis, off he went.
An Té a bhí agus atá (agus a bheas go brách), He who was and is (and always will be).
Go ~ na breithe, till the Day of Judgment.
Go ~ ~; go ~ agus go deo, for ever and ever.
Go ~ ná go deo, nevermore.
As go ~ leis, off he went (as though he would never turn back).
Go ~ (nó) go, ever, never, until.
Is fearr go mall, go deireanach, ná go ~, better late than never.
Is faide go ~ ná go Bealtaine, never is a long word.
Go brách, broinne, na ~e, till doomsday.
Ná ~ an doras agam go brách arís, never darken my door again.
Is maith D~ go lá (agus ní fearr ná go brách), God’s help is always near.
~ go brách! O, what a shame!
Ní chíorfaidh sí ceann ~ go brách, she will never live to comb grey locks.
Ní shamhlófá go brách an chuma a bhí air, you could never imagine what he looked like.