Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: glí · gug · gum · gun · gur
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é guí de: guigh »
guí, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~onna). 1. vn. of guigh. 2. Prayer. (a) ~ Dé a dhéanamh, to pray to God. Éist le mo ghuí, hear my prayer. Do ghuí a fháil, to get an answer to one’s prayer. ~ an phobail, the prayers of the congregation. ~ an phobail a chur le duine; duine a chur faoi ghuí an phobail, to have public prayers said for (the repose of the soul of) s.o. Duine a chur faoi bhrí na ~, to include s.o. in one’s prayers; to pray for s.o.’s soul. Chuir sé an t-iomlán againn faoi bhrí na ~, he castigated the whole lot of us. Is é mo ghuí (go), it is my fervent wish (that). (b) Entreaty. ~ duine a dhéanamh faoi rud, to entreat s.o. about sth. (c) Níl aon ghuí ort, there is no need for thanks, don’t mention it. (d) Imprecation. Is mór an fear ~onna é, he swears a lot. Dia, aingil Dé, in aghaidh do ghuí, God preserve us from such talk. ~ dheacair ort! Bad scran to you! (Var: guibhe, guidhe, pl. guidhte)
Guí le h~ duine, to pray for (the repose of) the soul of s.o.
Ag guí ar son na m~ agus na marbh, praying for the living and the dead.
Guí ar gach ~, to pray for all creatures.
Guí chúng, restricted prayer.
Guí go ~, to pray fervently.
Guí fhairsing ar son na marbh, a general prayer for the dead.
Guí a fhreagairt, to answer a prayer.
Guí ghann, selective prayer.
Ag guí go dúthrachtach, praying earnestly.
Guí ar dhuine, ar son duine, to pray for s.o.
Ag guí le hanamacha na marbh, praying for the souls of the dead.
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