Ar an ord, working with the sledge-hammer.
~ cloiche, meáchain, oird, stone-, weight-, hammer-, throwing.
~ buailte, striking hammer.
~ ceantála, auctioneer’s hammer.
~ láimhe, short-handled hammer.
~ gunna, pianó, hammer of gun, piano.
~ casúir, tuairgnín, head of hammer, of pounder.
~ spáide, scuaibe, scine, casúir, tua, handle of spade, of brush, knife, of hammer, of axe.
Chuaigh siad le chéile ~, they went at each other hammer and tongs.
Ag ~ ar na clocha, hammering away at the stones.
ar) Bheith ag ~áil de chasúr ar rud, to be hammering at sth.
Bhí siad ag ~adh ar an doras, they were hammering at the door.
Buille oird ar ~, the striking of a hammer on an anvil, a resounding blow.
~ casúir, claw of hammer.
Is tú is fearr againn leis an ord, you are the best of us with the sledge-hammer.
~ mór, heavy sledge-hammer.
~ ceárta, smith’s heavy hammer.
Bhí siad ag ~adh a chéile, they were hammering one another.
Faigh casúr ladhrach dó leis na tairní a tharraingt, get him a claw-hammer to pull the nails.
~ a dhéanamh (le bróga, le casúr, le cannaí), to make noise (with boots, with a hammer, with cans).
Ag ~t iarainn ar inneoin, hammering iron on an anvil.