Is fearr ~ ná spadaí, it is better to be left-handed than heavy-footed.
Lámh, cos, chlé, left hand, foot.
Ar an taobh clé, ar thaobh na láimhe ~, on the left-hand side.
~ na beannachta, na scéithe, the right, left, hand.
~ dheas, ~ chlé, right, left, hand.
Ar do ~ chlé, ar thaobh do láimhe clé, on your left-hand side.
~ an tsoiscéil, the left-hand side.
~ sé as a lámh é, he left it out of his hand.
~ deisil, tuathail, tadhaill, right-hand, left-hand, tangent, screw.
~ na láimhe deise, na láimhe clé, the right-hand, left-hand, side.
An taobh tuathail, the left-hand side; the wrong side