Chomh dócha lena ~, as likely as not.
Is beag an ~ air é a dhéanamh arís, he is hardly likely to do it again.
An dtiocfaidh tú? (Beag an) ~ orm! Will you come? Not likely!
~ dócha lena athrach, as likely as not.
Lán ~ dócha, just as likely.
Cailín breá ~, fine likely girl.
Capall ~, a likely-looking horse.
Chomh ~ lena athrach, as likely as not.
Baineann sé le ~, it seems likely.
Is ~ (go), it is likely (that).
Chomh ~ lena athrach, as likely as not.
Is é is dóichí (de) go, it is most likely that.
Duine ~, (i) likely, promising, person, (ii) intruder (at meals), sponger.
~ déirce, person likely to give alms, generous almsgiver.
Is olc an ~ cruithneachta an sliabh, the mountain is not a very likely place for wheat.
An rud is ~ le duine, what one thinks likely.
Ní ~ ar bith é, it is hardly likely.
Ní ~ rud de, it is as likely as not.