mias, f. (gs. méise, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Lit:(a) Board, slab; table. (b) Altar-slab, altar. S.a. sagart. 2. (a) Dish. ~ chré, earthenware dish. ~ phióige, pie-dish. (b) Cu: Dish. ~ oisrí, dish of oysters. Fuair sé ar a mhias féin é, it was dished out to him; he was told off in no uncertain terms. S.a. borrach1. (c) Shallow basin. ~ bhainne, basin of milk; milk cooler. 3. Phot: ~ fosaithe, fixing bath. ~ réalta, developing tray.
Tá an mhias sin in ~ a briste, that dish is sure to get broken.
Mias chorr, rounded dish.
Chuir sí amach na prátaí ar an mias, she emptied the potatoes into the dish.
~ méise, crúiscín, sediment at bottom of vessel, of jug; remains of liquid in vessel, jug.
Mias ghalaithe, evaporating dish.
Braon beag ar ~ na méise, a little drop on the bottom of the basin.
Tá a ~ i ngach mias aige, he must have a hand in everything.
Mias a leagan chuig duine, to serve s.o. with a dish.
Fear nite mias, dishwasher.
Tá an phraiseach ar fud na mias, everything is in a mess, ruined.
~ canna, méise, bottom of can, of dish.