Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: olde · dale · déag · doge · glade
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Tig an ~ leis an aois, fretfulness comes with old age.
An ~, old age.
Urraim don ~, respect for old age, for seniority.
Thug sé ~ mhaith leis, he lived to a good old age.
Na daoine ~, the aged; the old people.
Daoine a scar críne le ~, people who freed their old age from wickedness.
An ~, the old, the aged.
~ na haoise, the stoop of old age.
Ag ~im leis an oíche, leis na trí scór, leis an aois, approaching nightfall, the three score, old age.
In ~ a ré, a aoise, in his extreme old age.
~ le haois, enfeebled from old age.
Tá sé ó fheidhm ag an aois, he is incapacitated from old age.
Ghabh an chríne m’~, old age left me inactive.
~ na haoise, na seanaoise, the childishness of old age.
~ na haoise, the afflictions of old age.
Ó ~ go leanbh, people of all ages, both old and young.
Is minic duine ~ lúfar, grey hairs need not signify old age.
Ceann ~ ort! May you live to a ripe old age!
~ na haoise, the sluggishness of old age.
~ seirbhíse, seanaoise, service, old-age, pension.
Ná lig an ~ ort féin go fóill, don’t let yourself drift into old age yet.
Ar thairseach na hinmhe, na haoise, on the threshold of maturity, of old age.
Tá siad ag ~im chun aoise, they are getting old, declining into old age.
~ don aois, reverence for old age.
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