Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: déad · déaga · déan · déar · déas
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é déag de: éag »
déag, s. 1. (With numerals)-teen. (a) (In counting; lenited after dó) Aon ~, eleven. Dó dhéag, twelve. Trí, ceathair, naoi, ~, thirteen, fourteen, nineteen. Cúig ~ is fiche, thirty- five. (b) (After noun preceded by cardinal or ordinal number; when preceded by cardinal, lenited after sg. noun ending in vowel and after pl. noun ending in slender consonant, except cinn) Aon slat ~, eleven yards. Trí dhuine dhéag, thirteen persons. Ceithre troithe ~, fourteen feet. Cúig chapall ~ is daichead, fifty-five horses. An seachtú fear, lá, ~, the seventeenth man, day. A dhá oiread ~, twelve times as much. 2. (pl.)~a, tens, teens. Sna ~a, (of number) in the tens; (of person) in (one’s) teens. Tá sé sna ~a de bhlianta ó chonaic mé é, it is umpteen years since I saw him. Sna ~a den chéad seo, in the second decade of this century. Tá sé amach, go hard, sna ~a, he is in his late teens. Sna ~a is fiche, in the thirties.
A ceathair déag, fourteen.
~ an Dá Lá Dhéag, (i) the Twelve Days of Christmas, (ii) Epiphany.
A h~ déag, eleven.
~ fhear déag, eleven men.
Cuid an ~ fear déag, an ~ fir déag, the eleventh man’s share.
Cuid an ~ bean déag, na h~ mná déag, the eleventh woman’s share.
~ céad, cúig chéad déag, a company of one hundred, of fifteen hundred.
Oíche chinn an dá lá dhéag, Twelfth-night, eve of Epiphany.
A ~ déag, fourteen.
An ~ cuid déag, the fourteenth part.
~ bliana déag, ~ bhaile dhéag, fourteen years, fourteen towns.
Trí cloigne déag fear, thirteen men.
Bhí siad ina dhá g~ déag le chéile, they were very friendly.
A ~ déag, fifteen.
~ seachtaine déag, ~ mhí dhéag, fifteen weeks, fifteen months.
An ~ cuid déag, the fifteenth part.
An ~ lá déag, the twelfth day.
~, an dá, bhliain déag, twelve, the twelve, years.
~, an dá, chontae dhéag is fiche, thirty-two, the thirty-two, counties.
A dó dhéag, twelve.
An ~ lá déag, the twelfth day.
Agus é a dó dhéag cheana féin, and it already twelve (o’clock).
A deich, a trí déag, is ~, thirty, thirty-three.
Tá an dá ~ déag sa teallach aige, he has (too) many irons in the fire.
Cúig ~a déag (ar airde), fifteen hands (high).
A ~ déag, nineteen.
~ n-uaire déag, nineteen times.
An ~ huair déag, the nineteenth time.
A h~ déag, eighteen.
~ n-uaire déag, eighteen times.
An t-~ cuid déag, the eighteenth part.
~ chinn an dá lá dhéag, eve of Epiphany.
~ an dá shúil déag, lamprey.
Dhá shaothar déag Earcail, the twelve labours of Hercules.
A ~ déag, sixteen.
~ bhó dhéag, ~ chapall déag, sixteen cows, sixteen horses.
A ~ déag, seventeen.
~ mbliana déag, seventeen years.
An ~ lá déag, the seventeenth day.
An ~ duine déag, the sixteenth person.
A ~ déag, thirteen.
~ bliana déag, ~ mhí dhéag, thirteen years, thirteen months.
~ leabhar déag, thirteen books.
An ~ lá déag, an ~ lá fichead, the thirteenth, twenty-third, day.
Naoi d~ déag de rud, nine-thirteenths of sth.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht