Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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pioc1, m. (gs. ~). 1. Bit, jot, whit, iota. Níl ~ aige, he has nothing. Níl ~ níos fearr é, you are not one bit better than he is. Níor ith ~, he ate nothing. Níl ~ bharr agam, I have gained nothing by it. Cad ort? ~. Whats wrong with you? Nothing. Nach bhfuil ~ le déanamh agat ach mar sin? Have you nothing better than that to do? gach uile phioc chomh maith leat féin, he is every bit as good as you are. Don diabhal ~! Devil a bit! 2. Particle (as of flesh). Níl ~ ar a chnámha, there isnt a particle of flesh on his bones. Níl ~ ar an turcaí seo, there isnt a scrap of meat (left) on this turkey.
pioc2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Pick. (a) Fiacail a phiocadh, to pick a tooth. ~ le snáthaid é, pick it with a needle. (b) Cnámh a phiocadh, to pick a bone. ~ an fheoil de, pick the meat off it. (c) (Of birds) Ag ~adh gráinníní, picking grains. siad ag ~adh an fhéir, they are picking the grass. (d) Select, choose. Leabhar maith a phiocadh, to pick a good book. ~do rogha, pick your choice. (e) Gather (as from stalk, bed). Prátaí a phiocadh, to pick potatoes. Ag ~adh bairneach, picking limpets. ~ den chrann iad, pick them off the tree. Is deas na bláthanna a phioc , you picked nice flowers. (f) Glas a phiocadh, to pick a lock. Ag ~adh pócaí, picking pockets. (g) (With as) Ag ~adh cloch (amach) as an talamh, picking stones out of the ground. Phiocfadh na súile asat, he would pick out your eyes. Ag ~adh eolais as duine, eliciting information from s.o. Níl siad ach ag ~adh asat, they just want to make you talk. (h) (With ar) Nibble, peck, nag, at. Ag ~adh ar an mbia, nibbling at the food. Ag ~adh ar a chéile, picking at each other. bígí i gcónaí ag ~adh ormsa, dont always pick on me. (i) (With le) Pick (ones way). Beidh ag ~adh liom, Ill be off. 2. Preen, spruce. na cearca á bpiocadh féin, the hens are preening themselves. á ~adh agus á pointeáil féin, she is decking herself out. 3. Pluck (bird).
raibh aon phioc le fáil de, bán ~, there was not a trace of him to be found.
~ na circe, moss-stitch.
~ bearrtha, ~ péacach, ~ pointeáilte, ~ sciúrtha, spick and span.
Níor thairbhigh pioc de, I gained nothing by it.
raibh pioc thinneas air, he was not in the least put out about it.
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