Ní fiú ní ar bith é in ~ na beatha thall, it is worth nothing when viewed in relation to the life to come.
~ taidhleoireachta, idirnáisiúnta, diplomatic, international, relations.
~ poiblí, public relations.
In aghaidh, os coinne, le taobh, a chéile, against, opposite, beside, each other. (Of thing itself in relation to its parts)
I g~ a chéile, in relation to each other.
~ cothroime, relation of equality.
Do dhuine féin, one’s own relation.
Mo dhaoine ~, my relations.
Níl siad ar na hóí le chéile, relations are strained between them.
Caidreamh, misean, ~a, diplomatic relations, mission.
Thiomsaigh a ghaolta agus a chairde chuige, his friends and relations flocked to him.