Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: aol · gal · gol · aol- · gál
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gaol, m. (gs. -oil, pl. ~ta). 1. (a) Relationship, kinship. ~ a bheith agat le duine, to be related to s.o. Bheith gar, gairid, i n~ le duine, do dhuine, to be closely related to s.o. ~ fola, cleamhnais, blood, marriage, relationship. ~ i bhfad amach, distant relationship. Cóngas gaoil, closeness of relationship. Níl ~ cóngas, ~ páirt, agam leis, I am in no way related to him. ~ a mhaíomh ar dhuine, to claim relationship with s.o. Níor shéan a ghaol leo, he took after them. ~ a áireamh, a chuntas, a chur isteach, a dhéanamh suas, to trace relationship. siad a is a , a is a trí, a trí is a trí, i n~, they are first, first and second, second, cousins. fréamh, lúb, ghaoil acu le chéile, they are (distantly) related. (b) Kindred feeling. Do ghaol a bheith le duine, to have a kindred feeling for s.o. Cairde gaoil, friends and relatives; dear friends. Is mo ghaol, you are my darling. Prov: Is fearr beagán den ghaol mórán den charthanas, blood is thicker than water. (c) (gs. as a.) Lucht gaoil, relatives. Fear gaoil, bean ghaoil, male, female, relative. Bráthair gaoil, blood brother. 2. (a) Coll: Relations, kin. (b) Relative. ~ta duine, ones relatives. ~ta agus cairde, relatives and friends. 3. Relation between things. ~ idir an fhocal, the two words are connected.
~ ghaoil, kindred feeling; kinship.
~ ghaoil, kindred feeling; kinship.
~ ghaoil, female relative.
~ gaoil, relative.
Cairde gaoil, friends and relatives.
Gaol agus ~, blood and marriage relationship.
~ ghaoil a bheith agat le duine, to be related by blood to s.o.
Gaol na g~ , close relationship, kinship.
gaoil, forbidden degree(s) of relationship.
~ ghaoil againn le chéile, we are related by blood to each other.
Níl gaol ~ agam leo, I am not bound to them by ties of kinship or affection.
Gaol gan ~, relationship without affection.
Bheith ~ i ngaol do dhuine, to be closely related to s.o.
gaol i bh~ amach aige linn, he is distantly related to us.
~ gaoil, male relative.
~ gaoil, couch-grass, scutch.
~ ghaoil a bheith agat le duine, to be related to a person on some side, in a distant way.
~ gaoil agam leis, he and I belong to separate branches of the same family; I am distantly related to him.
~ gaoil, closeness of relationship.
Gaol ~, close relationship.
~ i ngaol, closely related.
Bráithre gaoil agus ginealaigh, relatives and kinsmen.
~ ghaoil, degree of relationship.
~ ghaoil a bheith agat le duine, to be distantly related to s.o.
~ beag gaoil eatarthu, they are supposed to be distantly related.
~ ghaoil agam leis, I am distantly related to him.
Gaol a mhaíomh le duine, ar dhuine, to claim relationship with s.o.
~ gaoil, declaration of, claim to, relationship.
~ gaoil, carthanachta, tie of blood, of friendship.
Lucht gaoil agus páirte, relatives and friends.
Níl mo ghaol mo pháirt ann, I have no relationship or affinity with him.
Gaol a rianú, to trace relationship.
~ ghaoil, distant relationship.
~ gaoil, distant relationship.
Gaol a ~adh, to sort out a relationship.
An ~ de ghaol, relationship in the third and fourth degrees.
Shéan a ghaol lena athair, he is not a bit like his father.
An ~ de ghaol, relationship in the third degree.
Níor thréig do ghaol le do mhuintir, you have taken after your people very much.
As ~ a ghaoil linn, on account of his kinship with us.
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