gal1, f. (gs. gaile, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. (Warlike) ardour; valour, fury. ~ agus gaisce, valour and prowess. A lá gaile, his day of valour. Dul ar ghala aonair le duine, to engage s.o. in single combat. Gur íslíodh a n~, until they cooled off. 2. Vapour, steam; boiling heat. ~ uisce, water vapour. D’imigh sé ina ghal, it boiled away, evaporated. ~ a thógáil, to raise steam. ~ a dhéanamh d’uisce, to convert water into steam. Inneall gaile, steam-engine. Bád gaile, steamboat. Faoi iomlán gaile, under full steam. ~ bheirithe, steam from boiling water. Rud a ithe (amach) as an n~ bheirithe, to eat sth. steaming hot. Bhí ~ teasa ag éirí asainn, we were steaming with the heat. ~ mhianaigh, fire-damp. 3. (a) Puff, whiff (of smoke, of hot air). ~ ghaoithe, blast of hot wind. ~ tobac, a smoke of tobacco. Bíodh ~ (de thoitín, den phíopa) agat, have a smoke (of a cigarette, of the pipe). ~ soip, smoke from a wisp of straw; transitory thing. Ní raibh ann ach ~ soip, it was only a flash in the pan. D’imigh sé mar ghal soip, it ended in smoke. (b) ~ phiútair, dry easterly wind. 4. Fit, bout, turn. ~ tinnis, fit of illness. 5. Demand. Tá an-ghal ar mhuca, pigs are in great demand. 6. m. Lit:An ~ gréine, ‘the sunburst’, banner of ancient Fianna (of Fionn). (Var: m)
gal2, m. (gs. gail, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Blusterer.
Gail a bhaint as uisce, to bring water to the boil.
~ deataigh, gaile, cloud of smoke, of steam.
~ gal, toit, have a smoke.
~ airm, gaile, feat of arms, of valour.
~ gaile, ceatha, vapour, shower, bath.
~ a bhaint as rud, to bring sth. to the boil.
Ar ~ le fearg, fuming with anger.
~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas.
D’imigh sé ina ghal soip, it disappeared like a wisp of smoke.
~ a ghaile, the nature of his valour.
~ amach an ghal, an t-aer, let the steam, the air, escape.
Gal a ~, to have a smoke.
Duine a ~adh le huisce te, le gal, to scald s.o. with hot water, with steam.
~ gaile, release of steam.