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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: déas · das · dea · dea- · deais
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Seans gur foirm é deas de: eas »
deas1, s. (In phrase) Ó dheas, southwards. Dul ó dheas, to go south. Ó dheas siar ó dheas, ó dheas lámh siar, (to) south-south-west, south by west. Ó dheas soir ó dheas, ó dheas lámh soir, (to) south-south-east, south by east. San aird ó dheas, in a southerly direction. An bóthar ó dheas, the road to the south. An taobh ó dheas, the southerly part. Tá an ghaoth ó dheas, the wind is in the south, has veered south. S.a. siar 1 soir11.
deas2, s. (In phrases) De dheas, i n~, do, near, close, to. De dheas, i n~, don áit, near the place. I bhfad uainn nó i n~ dúinn, far away from us or near at hand. I n~ don chéad, close to the century. Tá siad i n~ dá chéile, they are close to each other; they are closely related. Tá amharc de dheas dó aige, he is near-sighted.
deas3, a. (gsm. deis, gsf. deise, pl. ~a). 1. (Of position) Right. An lámh dheas, the right hand. Ar an taobh deas; ar thaobh na láimhe deise, on the right-hand side. An ceann ~, the one on the right. An bhróg dheas, the right shoe. ~ agus clé, right and left. 2. (Of fabric) An taobh ~ (den éadach) a chur amach, to put the right side (of the cloth) out.
deas4, a. (comp. deise).(Used predicatively) Near, close; convenient (do, to). ~ do bhaile, near home. An ceann is deise duit, the one nearest to you. Chuaigh sé ~ go maith dó, it was a near thing for him. Bheith ~ i ngaol do dhuine, to be closely related to s.o. Tá siad ~ dá chéile, they are close, closely related, to each other. Cá ~ duit é? How close is his relationship to you? Prov:Más ~ do dhuine a chóta is deise do dhuine a léine, blood is thicker than water.
deas5, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. deise, npl. ~a).Nice. 1. Cailín, gúna, duine, teach, ~, nice girl, dress, person, house. Is ~ an rud an óige, it is nice to be young. Ba dheas liom labhairt leo, I’d like to speak to them. Ba dheas uaidh beannú dúinn, it was nice of him to salute us. Is ~ a chodlóinn néal, I’d love to take a nap. (Go) ~ te, nice and warm. S.a. margadh 2. 2. Bheith ~ ar rud (a dhéanamh), to be adept at, to have a knack of doing, sth. Is é atá ~ air, he sure can do it. 3. (Used ironically) Is ~ an scéal é, it is a nice state of affairs. Is ~ an obair í sin ort! That is a nice way you behave! Ba dheas mo ghnó ar aonach! What business would I have at a fair? Tá sé go ~! He is in a nice state (of intoxication)!
deas6 = deis1.
Bhí na scaotha ~ na scaotha éan ag dul ó dheas, there were flocks and flocks of birds going south.
Tá ~ deas aige, he has a good address.
San ~ ó dheas, in the south, southwards.
Is deas ~ é, it is nice indeed.
Tá sé ar an duine is deise acu, he is the nicest person among them.
Ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, ar deis, ar clé, forwards, backwards, to the right, to the left.
Bhí sé deas ar an stiúir, he was skilful at the rudder, at steering.
Tá an ghaoth ag athrú ó dheas, the wind is veering south.
Is deas an bhail atá anois orm! I am in a fine predicament now.
Gar, deas, do bhaile; de chóir ~, near home; near at hand.
Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you.
Is ~ áit is deise, there are few places nicer.
Is deas an ~ cainte é! What an elegant statement!
Tá bóithre deasa aige, he has nice ways with him.
Bhí tú deas go ~ dó, you were very near it.
Is deas do bhuille rámha, I like your style (of rowing).
Tá ~eanna deasa aige, he has nice expressions.
~ deas d’fhoirgneamh, fine compact building.
~ de chailín deas, a nice shapely girl.
Is deas an cheird atá agat, ort! It’s a nice way you carry on!
~ deas agus a chonaic mé riamh, as nice as ever I saw.
Is deas an ~ cainte é sin, that is a nice turn of phrase.
Deas agus ~, right and left.
Chuaigh an buille sin i ndeas don chnámh, that thrust went home.
Is deas an ~ atá uirthi, she is nicely dressed, decked out.
Ba dheas an choiscéim siúil a bhí aici, léi, she stepped it out nicely.
Is deas an chomaoin orm mo pheann a thabhairt leat, it is a nice way you repay me by taking my pen.
~ go deas iad, put them nicely together.
Is deise, gaire, do dhuine a léine ná a chóta, charity begins at home.
Tá na leabhair cuideachtaithe go deas agat, you have put the books nicely together.
~eann sí amach go deas iad, she sends them out nicely dressed.
Is deas liom an ~ éadaigh, capaill, sin, I like cloth, a horse, of that colour.
Is deas an ~ atá air, it is nicely made.
~ (go deas) ort, dress yourself (nicely); adorn yourself.
Ó dheas deasaítear! Right dress!
An ~ chailín, the girl with the pearly teeth.
Cá bhfuil do dheis? Cén ~ (a bhfuil) tú? Which hand do you use?
~ a fháil ar rud, to get a chance at sth., an opportunity to do sth.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud), to give s.o. an opportunity (to do sth.).
Anois tá an ~ agat! Now’s your chance!
An ~ a thapú, to seize the opportunity.
Failliú ar an ~, to let the opportunity slip.
~ a dhéanann ~, one success leads to another.
~ oibre, imeartha, snámha, working, playing, swimming, facilities.
Rinne sé ~ dom, it served my purpose.
Tá ~ a labhartha aige, he speaks well, has a happy knack of saying the right thing.
~ iompair, means of transport; vehicle.
Tá ~ mhaith orthu; tá siad i n~ mhaith, they are in good circumstances.
Rud a chur chun ~e duit féin, to turn sth. to one’s advantage.
Ar bheagán ~e, poorly circumstanced.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht