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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: daith · damh · dash · data · date
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
dath1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Colour. (a) ~ dearg, donn, red, brown, colour. ~ boinn, basic colour. ~ gorm air, it is a blue colour. ar dhath an óir, an róis, an fhéich, na fola, na gcaor, it is golden-, rose-, raven-, blood-, berry-, coloured. Is deas liom an ~ éadaigh, capaill, sin, I like cloth, a horse, of that colour. An ~ a chailleadh, a thréigean, to lose colour, fade. an spéir, an fharraige, ag caitheamh ~anna, the sky, the sea, is changing hues. Ag lorg an ghadhair is gan tásc a dhatha agat, doing something without knowing what it is about. (b) (Of colouring material) ~ a chur ar rud, to colour sth; to dye, paint, sth. An ~ a bhaint as rud, to remove the colouring matter from sth. ~ a thógáil, to take colour. Tógfaidh ~ dubh ach thógfaidh dubh ~, it is easierto blacken colour than to colour black’, to blacken character than to restore it. ~ crotail, mádair, dye obtained from lichen, madder. Bosca ~anna, box of paints. (c) (Of complexion) ~ bán, dubh, (san aghaidh) air, he is pale-, black-, faced. Bhí ~ na léithe air, he was (ashen) grey in the face. Bhí ~ an bháis, na húire, air, he had a deathly pallor. Chuir ~anna, trí dhath, na seacht n~, de féin, he kept changing colour (repeatedly). Duine a chur ina dhath féin, to restore s.o.’s colour. a dhath féin air arís, he has got back his colour, looks well, again. (d) (Of semblance) ~ na fírinne a chur ar rud, to give sth. a semblance of truth. ~ ar do scéal, your story is plausible. Níl ~ dealramh air, it hasnt the least appearance of probability. Scéal gan ~, an unlikely story. (e) (Of cards) Suit. An ~ a imirt, to follow suit. (f) Trace. ~ na gainne, slight trace. 2. (In phrase) A dhath, any, anything, (with neg.) nothing. a dhath bainne agat, if you have any milk. Níl a dhath céille acu, they have no sense. Nuair a bhí a dhath (de) le fáil, when there was any (of it) to be had. mbeadh a dhath den fhear ann, if he had any manliness in him. Níl a dhath mór acu, they are up to anything. An bhfuil a dhath le agat? Have you anything to say? Níl a dhath níos measa leis, I am none the worse for it. Nuair nach bhfuil a dhath eile le déanamh aige, since he has nothing else to do. Níl a dhath air, there is nothing the matter with him. A dhath ar bith, anything, nothing, at all. Dheamhan a dhath! Devil a bit! (Var:npl. ~a, gpl. ~)
dath2, v.t. (pp. daite). 1. Allocate (do, to). 2 = dathaigh1.
aithním na litreacha, na dathanna, I cannot discern the letters, the colours.
siad ar ~ dath, ar ~ airde, le chéile, they are both the same colour, height.
Ar dhath an róis, rose-coloured.
dath donn air, it is of a brown colour.
dath an bháis air, he is the colour of death.
~ agus dath ar a chuid cainte, his speech is clear and colourful.
Dath a bhogadh, to soften, tone down, colour.
~ datha, fastness of colour.
Dath ~, fast colour.
Dath a bhuanú, to fix a colour.
Dath, éadach, ~, yellow colour, cloth.
Ar dhath na g~, berry-coloured.
an dath ag ceiliúradh, the colour is fading.
Ar dhath ubh an chlochráin, blue-grey.
Dathanna a chónascadh, to fuse colours.
~ daite, dearg, beaten track.
dath na ~ air, he looks ghastly, like death.
Dath ~, warm colour.
Chuir dath dearg air, I coloured it red.
Bhí ag cur dathanna de, he was changing colour.
Dathanna a chumasc (le chéile), to blend colours.
Éadach ~, dyed cloth.
Fuinneoga ~, stained-glass windows.
Ciníocha ~, coloured races
~ ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun.
A dlaoithe ~, her comely locks.
Is atá an fheirm ~, the farm is to go to him.
Más é an bás atá ~ , if he is marked out for death.
An saol atá ~ dúinn, the life in store for us.
~ duit, it is coming to you.
Thug go ~, (go) dubh is (go) ~, é, he gave it to him hot and heavy.
dath na n~ air (le fuacht), he is blue in the face (from the cold).
Dath ~, red colour.
~ datha, depth of colour.
Dhoirt an dath, an gorm, sa níochán, the colour, the blue, ran in the washing.
~ datha, running of colour.
Dath ~, deep colour.
Dath, páipéar, ~, brown colour, paper.
Gan ~ gan dath, without a trace
Níl a dhubh a dhath air, there is nothing at all the matter with him.
mbeadh a dhubh a dhath le gnóthú orthu, if there was anything whatever to be gained by them.
Dath ~, striking colour.
A duail ar dhath an fhiaigh, her raven locks.
Dath ~, harsh, acid, colour.
3. Dathanna a ghéarú, to bring out colours.
~ datha, heightening of colour.
Dath, ribín, ~, bright green colour, ribbon.
Dath ~, blue colour.
Colm, dath, feisteas, ~, ugly scar, colour, attire.
~ dathanna, colour contrast.
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