Tá mo tharrtháil ort, you are the only one who can rescue me.
Thug sé ~orm, he came to my rescue.
Tugadh ~ tharrthála air, an attempt was made to rescue him.
Tabhair ~ tharrthála air, try to rescue him.
An ~ tarrthála, the rescue party.
Duine a shábháil, a dhíon, a shaoradh, a fhuascailt, a tharrtháil, ó rud, to save, shelter, free, deliver, rescue, s.o. from sth.
Thug mé tarrtháil air, I went to his rescue.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to come to s.o.’s rescue.
Duine a tharrtháil (óna bhá, ón mbás), to rescue s.o. (from drowning, from death).