An lámh dheas, the right hand.
Ar an taobh deas; ar thaobh na láimhe deise, on the right-hand side.
Atá ina shuí ar dheaslámh Dé, who sits at the right hand of God.
Ar dheis Dé (go raibh siad), (may they be) at the right hand of God.
An taobh deisil, the right-hand side; the right side
Go dtuga Dia an ghlóir dóibh; ar dheis na ~e go raibh siad, may they share in God’s glory; may they sit at the right hand of God.
~ na beannachta, na scéithe, the right, left, hand.
~ dheas, ~ chlé, right, left, hand.
I leith na láimhe deise, an bhóthair, towards the right-hand side, the road.
Ó thaobh na láimhe deise, from the right-hand side.
~ deisil, tuathail, tadhaill, right-hand, left-hand, tangent, screw.
Tá do lámh ~, you have a happy hand, a happy knack of doing the right thing.
~ na láimhe deise, na láimhe clé, the right-hand, left-hand, side.