Teanga bhealaithe, smooth tongue.
Gruaig a bhláthnú, to smooth, stroke, hair.
Léine a bhláthnú, to smooth, get up, a shirt.
Craiceann ~ mín, soft smooth skin.
A chaoin amach, its smooth side out.
Deoch chaoin, smooth drink.
Tlacht ~, smooth skin, surface.
Is doiligh ceann catach a chíoradh, it is hard to comb a curly head, to smooth away difficulties.
~ aife, feistiúcháin, sciathfháinneach, slíomacháin, reflux, trimmer, guard-ring, smoothing, condenser.
Tá ~ ar an bhfarraige, the sea is smooth.
Duine ~, smooth-complexioned person.
An ~ a bhaint as rud, to smooth, straighten, out sth.
~ bláthnaithe, gofrála, smúdála, laundry, goffering, smoothing, iron.
Folt ~, long smooth hair.
~ thalún, piece of sloping ground, of smooth pasture (on hillside).
Miotal a ~adh, to file, smooth, metal.
Tua a ~adh, to give a smooth edge to, sharpen, an axe.
~ mín, smooth and enticing.
~ chainte, suavity of speech; smooth talk, flattery.
An mhín is an garbh, the smooth and the rough; the fine and the coarse.
Talamh, machaire, ~, smooth land, plain.
Leaca mhín cnoic, smooth slope of hill.
Leac mhín, smooth flagstone.
Craiceann, leiceann, ~, smooth skin, cheek.
A héadan ~, her smooth brow.
Deochanna milse ~e, sweet smooth drinks.
~ síodúil, smooth and silky.
Chomh ~ le síoda, smooth as silk.
Siollaí, véarsaí, ~e, smooth syllables, verses.
Teanga mhín, smooth tongue.
Na tonnta ag míniú na gcloch, the waves giving the stones a smooth surface.
(An) ~ mín a chur ar rud, to give sth. a smooth surface, a nice finish; to smooth, gloss, over sth.
~ slí, clearance of way (from obstruction); smoothing of path.
Bealach, bóthar, slí, a réiteach, to smooth a path; to facilitate matters.
Bhur dtailte mínese, your smooth lands.
Deoch shéimh, mild, smooth, drink.
Chomh ~ le gloine, as smooth as glass.
Craiceann ~, smooth skin.
Ag sleamhnú a cuid gruaige, smoothing her hair.
Gruaig a shlíocadh, to smooth hair.
Ag iarraidh an t-olc a shnáthadh leis an maith a bhí, trying to take the rough with the smooth.