Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: re · cré · é · fré · R
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é de: réigh » · réigh »
1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna).1. Moon. (a)An ~ agus na réaltaí, the moon and the stars. (b) Phase of moon. ~ nua, new moon. An ~ ghealaí, an ~ sholais, the visible moon, moonlight. Oíche ~ gealaí, bright moonlight night. An ~ dhorcha, the dark of the moon, the dark. Oíche ~ dorcha, moonless night; very dark night. Lán na ~, the full moon. (c)Uair sa ~, once a month; once in a while. Gach ~ sholais, regularly; at every opportunity. 2. Period. (a) Portion of time. Lit:~ mhór den lá, a great part of the day. Leis an ~ sin, during that time. S.a. aithrí 2. (b) Span of life, of career. Is fada an ~ a fuair sé, he had a long life. Chaith sé a ~ leis, he spent his life at it. I ~ Iorua, in the time of Herod. Le mo ~, during my lifetime; as long as I live. (c) Age, era. An Ré Órga, the Golden Age. ~ na Críostaíochta, the Christian era. (d) (In phrase) Roimh ~, in advance, beforehand. Bhí mé ann roimh ~, I was there beforehand. An oíche roimh ~, the previous night. 3. Lit: Space, intervening distance. An ~ ó thalamh go firmimint, the distance between earth and sky. (Var:m)
2, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~ite). Stretch of ground; level ground. ~ shléibhe, stretch of moorland. ~ rosaigh, stretch of woodland; bushy ground. Fig:Tá an áit ina ~ rosaigh, the place is in a chaotic state. Lit:~ charbaid, chariot-course. ~ chatha, chomhraic, battle-ground.
3, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna).Agr: Row.
4, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna).Mus: Re.
5, s. (In phrase) Don ~ (braon, pingin), not a, devil a (drop, penny).
6-, pref. Level, smooth; easy; fairly, moderately.
7. s. (In phrase) ~ roithleagán, dizziness. ~ roithleagánach, dizzy, causing dizziness.
8 = roimh.
Ré ~, time to repent; time to change one’s mind.
Gearr ré na beatha de bhunadh, life is essentially of short duration.
~ na ré, waning of the moon.
In ~ a ré, a aoise, in his extreme old age.
poiblí, seachtaine, roimh ré, public, week’s, prior, notice.
Cian nó ~ mo ré, whether my span of life be long or short.
3. ~ ré, waning of moon.
Tinn le ~ na ré, moonstruck.
2. Ó ghointear an ré, from the time the moon begins to wane.
~ iomlán, ar chuntas, roimh ré, payment in full, on account, in advance.
Tháinig a ré ~ ar ~, on all sides they passed away.
~ ghealaí, ~ ré, lunar month.
~, ré ~, nine-day period;
Bhainfeadh sí an ~ den ré, she would outshine the moon.
~ (roimh ré), foretaste.
Chuir sé ~ le ré nua, it brought in a new era.
Ré an Uafáis, the Reign of Terror.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht