Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: gaoin · gein · géin · geoin · gin
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
goin1, f. (gs. & pl. ~e). Bit, scrap. ~e olla, coarse bits of wool, wool-waste. Má tá ~ ar bith de fágtha, if there is any little bit of it left. Tá ~ éigin maitheasa ann, there is some bit of good in him.
goin2, f. (gs. gona, pl. gonta). 1. vn. of goin3. 2. Wound; stab, sting, hurt. ~ bháis, death-wound. ~ chléibh, chroí, body-, heart-, wound; piercing sorrow. ~ teasa, heat-stroke. Fuair sé ~ ghréine, he got sunstroke. ~ ocrais, pang of hunger. Bhí ~ air chun a dhinnéir, he was hungry for his dinner. ~ choinsiasa, twinge of conscience. 3. ~ ré, waning of moon. B:Tinn le ~ na ré, moonstruck. 4. Fish: Bite.
goin3, v.t. (pp. gonta). 1. (a)Lit: (Mortally) wound; slay. (b) Wound; stab, sting, hurt. ~eadh le piléar, sa ghualainn, é, he was wounded by a bullet, in the shoulder. Ghoin sé go croí mé, it stabbed me to the heart. Ghoin sé an beo ann, it cut him to the quick. Ghoin an focal é, the remark stung him. Ghoin mo choinsias mé, my conscience pricked me. S.a. aire12. 2. Ó ghointear an ré, from the time the moon begins to wane.
goin4, v.t. (vn. ~t f, gs. ~te).Cards:Cluiche a ghoint, to win game outright, to jink.
goin5 = gin2.
~ ghonta, succinct expression.
Goin ~, smarting wound.
Buille báis, goin bháis, deathblow, fatal wound.
2. ~ (gona), tent (for wound).
Goin chnis, skin wound.
Gona ~ de liaga lómhara, with its artistic arrangement of precious stones.
Each gona shrian, a horse plus its bridle.
Cainteoir ~, trenchant, forceful, speaker.
Tagairt ghonta, pointed reference.
Scéal ~, succinctly told story.
Stíl ghonta, terse style.
Adhmad ~, unsound timber.
Maois gona ~, Moses with his migrating people.
Beodhíle gona ~, livestock with their produce.
~ na bhfear gonta, heath, white, bedstraw.
Thug sé goin ghránna, he inflicted an ugly wound.
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