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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: athar · othar · tar · thart · thiar
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Seans gur foirm é thar de: tar »
thar, prep. (pron. forms:~am, ~at, thairis m, thairsti f, ~ainn, ~aibh, ~stu) (In references of a general nature it does not normally affect initial letter of following noun, e.g. ~ barr, ~ sáile, ~ fulaingt, tip-top, overseas, beyond endurance. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g. ~ bharr an chnoic, dul ~ dhuine sa tsráid, over the top of the hill, to pass s.o. on the street. S.a. an1) Over. 1. (a) Over, across. Dul ~ muir, to go overseas. Titim ~ bord, to fall overboard. Léim ~ claí orm, he sprang over a fence at me. Chuaigh siad ~ an abhainn, they went over the river. Tháinig anall ~ an droichead, I came across over the bridge. Tháinig siad ~ paróiste isteach, they came from outside the parish. (b) Over, above. Bhí an t-uisce ~ a nglúine orthu, the water was up over their knees. Tarraing aniar ~ do ghuaillí é, draw it forward over your shoulders. Chuaigh an roth ~ a chos, the wheel passed over his leg. Caitheadh ~ a chorp é, he was thrown head over heels. Chuir na fillteacha ~ a chéile, she overlapped the folds. (c) (Of overspilling, etc.) lig don choire cur thairis, dont let the cauldron boil over. Bhí ag cur thairis faoi ghleo na bpáistí, he was giving out about the noise of the children. S.a. cuir ~, maoil1 3(b). 2. By, past. Sciorr siad ~ainn, they swept by us. tar isteach ~ an doras, dont come in past the door. Chuaigh an litir ~ a chéile sa phost, the two letters crossed in the post. Bhí siad ag gabháil ~ a chéile sa díospóireacht, they were at cross-purposes in the debate. Cuirfidh ~ an anás iad, it will tide them over their need. Chuir an tinneas thairsti, she got over her illness. Scaoil ~ do chluas é, close your ears to it. lig focal ~ do bhéala faoi, dont let a word pass your lips about it. Chuala ag dul ~am (go), I heard a passing rumour (that). rachadh a oiread thairis, even that much couldnt escape his attention. Níl dul thairis agat, you cant evade it. chuirfinn ~at é, it is like what you would do. rachainn thairis mar bhia, I wouldnt ask for better food. Bíodh ina scéal thairis, let the matter rest at that. Scéal thairis anois é, it is over and done with now. Airgead a bheith ~at, to have money saved, put away. S.a. cuir ~, lig ~. 3. Beyond. siad ag dul ~ smacht orm, they are getting beyond my control. Chuir é féin ~ a acmhainn leis, he went beyond his resources with it. ~ meolas anseo, I dont know where I am here. Sula dté an phian ~ fulaingt, before the pain becomes unbearable. lig an íocaíocht ~ téarma, dont let the payment become overdue. cuir thairis féin é, dont drive him out of his wits. Bhí thairis féin le fearg, he was beside himself with anger. S.a. cailc1 3, cuimse14, droim 1. 4. More than. Bhain ~ dhá asam, it took me more than two days. ~ na ceithre fichid, she is over eighty. Níl ~ leathmhíle as seo, it is not more than half a mile from here. Bhí ~ am agat, it was high time for you. Duine ~ an gcoitiantacht, a man above the ordinary. ~ a bheith maith, it is exceedingly good. an méid sin agam, ach mór thairis, I have that amount, but not much more. Thairis sin, moreover. Faoi thairis, less or more. S.a. faoi1 i 4(a). 5. (Used in comparisons, etc.) Rud a thoghadh ~ rud eile, to choose sth. in preference to sth. else. aithním ~ a chéile iad, I cant distinguish one from the other. Tusa ~ dhuine ar bith eile, you of all people. An seo ~ laethanta na bliana, this day, of all the days in the year. ~ a bhfaca riamh, for all the world. ~ gach uile , above all things. ~ aon rud eile, more than anything else. ~ aon duine amuigh, above all persons. ~ (is) mar a bhíodh , compared with how he used to be. ~ (is) mar a shíl , more than I thought.
Chuirfeadh thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises.
Chuaigh d’~ thairis, he bounded over it.
Chuaigh , chuir é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Thit ~ é ag dul thar an droichead, he fell as he was crossing the bridge.
Rud a ~t ó, thar, rud eile, to distinguish between one thing and another.
thar ~ agat, it is high time for you.
Chuaigh siad tharainn daon rúid ~, they passed us in one rush, rushing all together.
ag, ar, faoi, le, ó, roimh, thar, trí, um eclipses
labhair thar d’~, os cionn danála, air; lig in aice, le hais, danála é, dont breathe a word of it.
Ag teacht ~ an pháirc, thar an abhainn, coming across the field, the river.
Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind).
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
~ thar (an) abhainn, over, to the other side of, the river.
Faoin, thar an, ~, under, over, age.
an t-~ thairis, déanta, aige, he has passed through the crisis.
~ tharat é, dont have anything to do with it.
Duine thar ~ amach, as ~ amach, a stranger to the place.
Bhailigh thar an séipéal, he hurried past the chapel.
3. Thar a bhaint san uisce, out of his depth in the water.
Thar ~, excellent.
11. Thar ~ amach, outright.
Dhíol thar ~ amach é, he sold it outright.
lig thar a bheacht é, dont let it exceed the correct amount; dont let it out of its proper position.
~ leis an, thar an, scór, a little more than a score.
lig thar bhéal an phota é, dont let it overflow the pot.
Scaoil ~ tharat, dont take things too seriously.
Dul thar na ~a le rud, to go too far with sth.
Aincheart thar na ~a, exceeding injustice.
Is minic a chuaigh ~ thar údar, Homer sometimes nods.
Céim a bhreith (thar, i gcoinne), to take a step (over, towards).
Inniu thar ar ~, today of all days.
dheachaigh ~ thar mo bhéal, ar manáil, inniu, I havent tasted a bite, a sup, today.
Thar ~, across the sea.
Thar ~, overboard. (Of fishing-boat)
Dul thar ~, to pass by.
Fill thar do bhráid, turn back.
Bhreathnaigh faoi agus thairis, he looked all around him, noted everything in sight.
Bád, capall, a chur thar a ~, to overload a boat, overburden a horse.
chuirfidh thar do bhreith é, I will abide by your decision.
rachaidh thar do bhreithiúnas leis, I will not dispute your verdict on it.
Chuaigh thar bhrollach an , he passed in front of the house.
Ag cur thar ~, overflowing.
Bhrúcht an slua amach thar na doirse, the crowd surged out through the doors.
Dul thar ~, to exceed the allotted number of persons.
lig isteach thar chab an dorais é, dont let him in past the doorway.
Thar ~; os cionn ~ (uile), above all others.
Dul thar ~ (le rud), to overstep the mark.
~ do shúil thairis, cast your eye over it.
~imis tharainn é, let us stop talking about it.
Dul thar ~, to cross the ferry;
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht