Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bear out · tear out · year out · read out · way out
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Caite ag an aois, worn out with age.
Caite agus ~chaite, completely worn-out.
Éadach ~, worn(-out) clothes.
Tá an croí ag ~eamh aige, his heart is wearing out.
Tá sé cáite ag an obair, he is worn out with work.
~ a bhaint as rud, to wear sth.; to get good wear out of sth.
Tá sé á chloí le tinneas, he is getting worn out with sickness.
~ ag imní, ag brón, worn out with anxiety, with care.
~ ghearr is a déanamh go hannamh, ‘a short visit and not too frequent’, one should not wear out one’s welcome.
Éadach ~, worn-out, wretched, clothing.
Tá aga na ~ caite againn anseo, we have worn out our welcome here.
Chaithfeadh sé an t-~, it would wear out iron;
Tá cuma ídithe air, he looks worn-out, wasted.
~í bróg, worn-out shoes.
Tá mo cheann ~ agaibh, you are giving me grey hairs, wearing me out.
Duine a ~adh, to give s.o. grey hairs, to wear s.o. out.
~ tar éis an aistir, worn out after the journey.
Talamh ~, worn-out land.
Mheil sé an chuid eile dá shaol mar sin, he wore out the rest of his days like that.
~ scine, speile, rámhainne, worn-out knife, scythe, spade.
Do shláinte a ~adh, to wear out one’s health.
Bhí sé cloíte ag an tinneas, ach tá sé ag teacht tríd, he was worn out with illness, but he is pulling through.
~te i ndiaidh an lae, worn out after the day’s work.
Seanduine tanaí ~, thin worn-out old man.
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