~ chasta a thabhairt ar rud, to turn sth. over whilst grilling it.
Fad is a bhí ~ ortha, whilst they were established, on their feet.
Ag ~eamh an tsaoil is an saol ár gcaitheamh, consuming time whilst time consumes us.
Céin a bhí anam ann, whilst, as long as, there was life in him.
Fad is a bheas grian ag dul ~, whilst the sun follows its course, to the end of time.
Fad is a bheidh ~ ar an aer, ag dul deiseal, ‘whilst the sun remains in the sky, on its course’, to the end of time.
Agus a dteacht féin ~ as, whilst they themselves came out of it unscathed.
Fad a bhí siad faoi ~ na dtiarnaí, whilst they were in the power of the landlords.
agus) Dá dtiocfadh sé agus ~ as baile, if he were to come whilst we were away from home.