Srathair na h~, the yoke of poverty, misery.
~ carbaid, yoke of chariot.
Faoi chuing na daoirse, an bhróin, under the yoke of slavery, of sorrow.
~ an phósta, the marriage yoke, wedlock.
~ a chur ar ainmhithe, to yoke, couple, animals.
~ chapall, dhamh, yoke of horses, of oxen.
~ ó chuing, ó dhaorsmacht, deliverance from a yoke, from oppression.
Carbad a inleadh, to yoke a chariot.
Faoi mhám an pheaca, under the yoke of sin.
Faoi mhámas gall, under a foreign yoke.
An t~ a chur ar dhuine, to make s.o. bear the yoke.
~ na hainnise, the yoke of misfortune.