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comhartha, m. (gs. ~, pl. ). Sign. 1. Mark, symbol. (a) ~ a chur ar rud, to mark sth. ~ aitheantais, identification mark. ~ cluaise, ear-mark. ~ cille, birth-mark. ~ ceiste, question-mark. ~ poncaíochta, punctuation mark. ~ suaitheantais, distinctive mark; emblem. Tá ~ lena shaol air, he is marked for life. Slán mo chomhartha! Bless the mark! (b) ~ na croise, the sign of the cross. Ghearr sé ~ na croise air féin, he made the sign of the cross (on himself). 2. Signal. ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, le duine, to make a sign to, signal, s.o. Déan thusa an ~, give you the signal. ~ ceo, stoirme, guaise, fog-, storm-, danger-, signal. 3. Symptom. ~ tinnis, fiabhrais, sláinte, sign of sickness, of fever, of health. Tá a chomhartha air, he shows signs of it. 4. Indication, omen. Mar chomhartha ar rud, as an indication of sth. ~ fearthainne, dea-aimsire, sign of rain, of good weather. Is maith an ~ é, it is a good omen. Is olc an ~ air (go), it speaks badly for him (that). Dá chomhartha sin, as an indication of that. Sin (an) ~ (agat) go; dá chomhartha duit go, which goes to show that. S.a. cárta1 1. 5. Token. ~ cumainn, carthanais, sign of attachment, of friendship. ~ airgid, money token. ~ scine, an apology for a knife. Ní bhfuair tú ach ~, you got a mere token, next to nothing. Níl iontu ach ~í, they are only tokens, almost worthless. 6. Notice, heed. ~ a thógáil ar rud, to note sth. Ná tóg aon chomhartha de, don’t take any notice of it. 7. (pl.) Bearings. ~í a thógáil ar áit, to take the bearings of a place. ~í cuain, harbour bearings. 8. (pl.) ~í (aithne, sóirt), identifying marks; description, appearance. Tugadh a chomharthaí (sóirt) dom, I was given a description of him. Ní cóta a bhí air ach ~í sóirt, he was not wearing a coat but only an excuse for one. Tá a chomharthaí anois agam, I know now what he is like. Níl agam ach na ~í, I can only go by appearances. Ba mhaith do chomharthaí fir, you looked every inch a man. Tá a chomharthaí lena chois, he looks the part; ‘signs on it’.
Is é an ~ an comhartha, seeing is believing.
Is maith an ~ an cat, a cat can foretell the weather.
Shuigh siad ~ agus comhartha don rás, they fixed a limit and a mark for the race.
Comhartha, fíor, na Croise, the sign of the cross.
~ comhartha dó, give him a sign.
A chomharthaí dílse a thabhairt ar rud, to describe sth. properly.
Comhartha ~, negative sign.
Comhartha doichill, sign of unwelcome.
Comhartha ~, secret marking.
Comhartha ~, manifest sign.
Comhartha ~e, danger signal.
~ comharthaí, signal-book.
Tá sé le léamh ar na comharthaí, the signs reveal it.
~ chomhartha síochána, as a token of peace.
Comharthaí an ólacháin, the signs of drink.
Naíonán a shéanadh le comhartha na Croiche, to sign an infant with the sign of the Cross.
An rud a ~ann an comhartha dó, what the sign stands for.
Scéala, comhartha, a thabhairt, to give word, a sign.
Comharthaí, soilse, ~a, traffic-signals, -lights.
Comhartha ~a, exclamation mark.
Comhartha ~a, sign of obedience; gesture of respect, obeisance.
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