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cruthaigh could be a grammatical form of: cruthach »
cruthaigh1, v.t. & i. 1. Create. An Té a chruthaigh sinn, He who created us. Ó cruthaíodh an saol, since the creation of the world. Níor chruthaigh Dia a leithéid, God never made another like him. Aon fhear cruthaithe, any man alive. 2. Form. Chruthaigh deora allais ar chlár a éadain, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. 3. Prove. (a)Cás, uacht, an fhírinne, a chruthú, to prove a case, a will, the truth. Chruthaigh sé go raibh an ceart aige, he proved that he was right. Rud a chruthaíos go, which goes to show that. (b)Cruthú go maith, go holc, to turn out well, badly. Tá a chlann, na barra, ag cruthú go maith dó, his children, his crops, are doing well. Tá na huain ag cruthú maith go leor, the lambs are showing fair promise. Is maith a chruthaigh sé, he acquitted himself well. 4. (With ar)(a) Testify (against). Chruthaigh sé orm sa chúirt, he testified against me in court. Chruthaigh na gardaí air, the guards gave evidence against him. (b) Affirm (to). Chruthaigh sé (go dubh is go bán) orm go raibh an ceart aige, he asserted (in unmistakable terms) to me that he was right.
cruthaigh2, gsm. of cruthach.
~ an domhain, the creation of the world.
Is ort atá a chruthú, it is for you to prove it.
Níl ~ ar bith agat leis, you have no proof of it.
Sin an ~ is fearr air, that is the best evidence for it.
Ba é sin ~ na bréige air, that showed that he was lying.
~ dearfa, positive proof.
Gan chruthú, unsubstantiated.
Cruthú ~, positive proof.
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