dash1, s. 1 Cnag m. 2 Deoir f (uisce beatha). 3 Dash of colour, smearadh m, scuaid f (datha). 4 Dais f (de pheann, den aibítir Mhorsach). Typ: Fleasc f. Mth: A dash (A'), A dais. 5 Seáp m, sciuird f, sítheadh m. He made a dash forward, thug sé seáp chun tosaigh. 6 Brí f, fuinneamh m, spleodar m. 7 He cut a great dash, ba mhór an chuid súl é. 8 =DASH-BOARD 2.
dash2 . 1 v.tr. a Teilgim. He dashed it to pieces, rinne sé smidiríní de. He dashed his head against it, buaileadh a cheann ina choinne. b He dashed water over me, steall sé uisce orm. c He dashed mud over me, smear sé le pluda mé. Dashed with colours, breactha le dathanna. d He dashed my spirits, chuir sé drochmhisneach, beaguchtach, orm. 2 v.i. He dashed against me, bhuail sé i mo choinne. He dashed at it, theilg sé é féin air, thug sé seáp faoi. He dashed down the street, chuaigh sé de rúid síos an tsráid.
To run, dash, against sth., rith in éadan ruda.
He dashed out his brains, chuir sé a inchinn amach.
That dashed door . . ., an diabhal, an cleabhar, de dhoras sin.
To dash s.o.'s hopes to the ground, duine a chur ó dhóchas.
Aut: Dash-board light, solas painéil.