dubh1, m. (gs. duibh). 1. Black. (a) Black colour. ~ is bán, black and white. (Of clothes) ~ a chaitheamh, to wear black. An ~ a chur ina gheal ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. that black is white, to bamboozle s.o. S.a. dath1 1. (b) Black substance. ~ an eabhair, ivory black. ~ poill, black colouring substance found in bog. ~ bróg, blacking (for boots). (c) Black ink. (d) Agr: (Kind of) fungus, smut. ~ cruithneachta, smut in wheat. ~ na bprátaí, (form of) potato blight. (e) Black speck. ~ iongan, ~ na fríde, de rud, the least little bit of sth. (f)Gan ~ gan dath, without a trace (de, of). Níl a dhubh ná a dhath air, there is nothing at all the matter with him. Dá mbeadh a dhubh nó a dhath le gnóthú orthu, if there was anything whatever to be gained by them. 2. Black, evil, deed. An ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to act vilely towards s.o., to let s.o. down badly. 3. (a) Darkness. ~ na hoíche, the dark of the night. Ní thiocfaidh sé go raibh ~ ar an oíche, it will be pitch-dark before he comes. Ag obair ó dhubh go ~, working from dawn to dusk. (b) Dark aspect. ~ an scéil, the dark side of the matter. Géilleadh do dhubh gach eagla, always to fear the worst. 4. Her: Sable. 5. f. (gs. duibhe). Black cow.
dubh2, a1. 1. Black. (a) Éadach, ball, capall, ~, black cloth, article, horse. Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus. S.a. cailleach 12, caipín 6, ceann 1 (l), cíb1, clár11(a), draighean 1, goirín 1, leann1 1(a), lon1 1, manach 1, saighdiúir 1, slat 1(i).(b) (Of discoloration) ~ le toit, smoke-begrimed. ~ gorm, black and blue. S.a. aicíd1, ceathrú1 2(d), fiabhras. (c) Extremely dark or gloomy. An oíche dhubh, black night. Spéir dhubh, inky sky. Uisce ~, dark water. S.a. gairgeadh 2, gearradh 5. (d) Black-haired. (e) Swarthy. (f) Covered, swarming (le, with). Tá an áit ~ le daoine, the whole place is black with people. (g) Vast, countless. Na céadta ~a (de), countless hundreds (of). 2. (a) Black-hearted, malevolent, bigoted. Bheith ~ do dhuine, to be evilly disposed towards s.o. Tá croí ~ aige, he is black-hearted. Is ~ an gníomh é, it is a vile deed. Tá sé ~ istigh, he is full of hatred. Tá siad (go) ~ ina aghaidh, they are bitterly against it. An diabhal ~, the black(-hearted) devil. S.a. anam 1, fear1 1(a), leabhar1 1(h). (b) Angry, sinister. Amharc ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to give s.o. a black look. (c) Dismal, gloomy, melancholy. Do chroí a bheith ~ ag rud, to be oppressed at heart over sth. D’fhág bás a mhic croí ~ aige, his son’s death left him heavy-hearted. Is ~ an scéal atá aige, he has a sorrowful story to tell. Is ~ an lá dó é; is é an lá ~ dó é, it is a sad day for him. S.a. lionn 1(a). (d) Strange, unknown. Tá mé mar a bheadh strainséir ~ ina measc, I am like a black stranger among them. S.a. dorn 1. (e) Margadh ~, black market. 3. (As adv.) Tá sé ~ dorcha, it is pitch-dark. Tá mé ~ dóite de, I am heartily sick of it. Chinn sé ~ is ~ orm, I failed utterly at it. Dhiúltaigh sé (go) ~ agus (go) bán é a dhéanamh, he refused absolutely to do it. Níl siad le fáil ~ bán ná riabhach, they are not to be had in any shape or form. Rinne tú go ~ orm é, you acted treacherously towards me; you let me down badly. S.a. dónall 2, láir1 3, maide 1(a).
dubh4 = dubhaigh1.
dubh-3, pref. 1. (Before vowels and fh) (a) Black. (b) Great, intense, downright. (c) Evil; unknown. 2 = dú-2.
Bán, dubh, san ~, pale-, dark-, faced.
An ~ dhubh, potato blight.
~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong.
Is dubh ar d’~ é, you have done a sinful, a grievous, thing.
Chomh dubh leis an m~, as black as soot.
Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you.
Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white.
Tá ~ dubh faoina shúile, he has black rings round his eyes.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Bráithre Dubha, Black Friars, Dominicans.
~ dhubh, (Manx) shearwater.
~ dhubh, black, carrion, crow.
Gan ‘~ dubh’ ná ‘~ bán’ a rá leis, not to say anything (acrimonious) to him.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
Clár dubh ~, squared blackboard.
~ dhubh, ghorm, blackleg.
~ dhubh, black-beetle, cockroach.
~ dhubh, black, mountain, sedge.
~ dubh, black tribute, extortion.
~ mór, beag, trom, dubh, large, small, heavy, black, type.
~ (dubh, glas), (black, green,) woodpecker.
~ dubh, (black) knapweed.
Geal, dubh, sa chraiceann, clear-, dark-, skinned.
Tá an gáire, an lionn dubh, os cionn a ~, laughter, melancholy, lightens, darkens, her heart.
Domhnach Chrom Dubh, the last Sunday in July.
Chruthaigh sé (go dubh is go bán) orm go raibh an ceart aige, he asserted (in unmistakable terms) to me that he was right.
~ dearg, dubh, red, black, currant.
Chomh ~ le daol dubh, as poor as a church mouse.
Thug sé go ~, (go) dubh is (go) ~, dó é, he gave it to him hot and heavy.
Dubh agus ~ na hoíche, the darkness and obscurity of the night.
~ dubh a chur ar dhuine, to hoodwink, to humbug, s.o.
Tá ~ dubh ort (faoi sin), you are under an illusion (about that).
Chomh dubh leis an ~, as black as a beetle, jet-black.
Tógfaidh ~ dubh ach ní thógfaidh dubh ~, it is easier ‘to blacken colour than to colour black’, to blacken character than to restore it.
Tá ~ bán, dubh, (san aghaidh) air, he is pale-, black-, faced.