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fiche, num. s. & a. Twenty. 1. m. (gs. ~ad, pl. -chidí, ds. & npl. with numerals -chid).(a) (In counting) A ~, twenty. ~ a haon, a haon is ~, twenty-one. A deich, a trí déag, is ~, thirty, thirty-three. Céad ~ a ceathair, one hundred and twenty-four. (b)Na fichidí, the twenties. Tá sé sna fichidí, he is in his twenties. Sna fichidí den chéad seo, in the twenties of this century. Tá sé na ceithre fichid, he is four score. S.a. cúig 2(b).(c) (gs. form, or ds. with ar, or nom.sg. with is, used after noun preceded by cardinal or ordinal number; when preceded by cardinal number, the gs. form is lenited after plural noun ending in slender consonant) Trí leabhar ~ad, ar fhichid, is ~, twenty-three books. Trí cinn fhichead acu, twenty-three of them. Ceithre huaire ~ad, twenty-four hours. Duine is ~, twenty-one persons. An seachtú lá ~ad, the twenty-seventh day. 2. (Followed by nom. sg.) (a)~ fear, bean, twenty men, women. Trí fichid bliain, three score years. ~ míle punt, twenty thousand pounds. (b) Many. Ar fhiche bealach, in many ways. Tá ~ rud le déanamh agam, I have many things to do. Chuala mé ~ uair é, I have heard it over and over again.
Fiche a cúig, twenty-five.
Uimhir trí chéad fiche a haon, number three hundred and twenty-one.
Eoin Fiche a Trí, John the Twenty-Third.
Sna ceithre hairde (fichead), in all directions.
Fiche troigh ar ~, twenty feet in height.
sna fichidí, in the late twenties.
Fiche a h~, a h~ is fiche, twenty-one.
~ teach is fiche, twenty-one houses.
Ar an ~ lá is fiche, on the twenty-first day.
Duine ar fhichid, twenty-one persons.
Fiche punt agus luach béile de bhabhta leis, twenty pounds and the price of a meal to boot.
Fiche punann sa bheart, twenty sheaves to the bundle.
~, ~ a haon, ~ a fiche, ~ fiche a haon, one hundred, one hundred and one, one hundred and twenty, one hundred and twenty-one.
Fiche a ~, a ~ is fiche, twenty-four.
An ~ fear fichead, the twenty-fourth man.
~ huaire fichead, ~ acra is fiche, twenty-four hours, twenty-four acres.
~ fichid, four score, eighty.
Bhí fiche ~ ar an oileán sin, there were twenty habitations on that island.
Fiche a ~, ~ is fiche, twenty-five.
~ huaire fichead, (i) twenty-five times, (ii) twenty-five hours.
~ fichid, five score, one hundred,
~ fichead, (card-game of twenty-five.
An ~ duine fichead, the twenty-fifth person.
An ~ leathanach fichead, is fiche, the twenty-second page.
Cúig ~ is fiche, thirty- five.
Sna ~a is fiche, in the thirties.
A ~, a ~ is fiche, a ~ is daichead, ten, thirty, fifty.
~ dtroithe fichead, is fiche, thirty feet.
An ~ duine fichead, the thirtieth person.
~, an dá, chontae dhéag is fiche, thirty-two, the thirty-two, counties.
Fiche a dó; a dó is fiche, twenty-two.
An ~ ceann fichead, the twenty-second one.
Fiche ~ bliain ó shin, some twenty years ago.
~ (is fiche, is céad) romhat, you are welcome (twenty, a hundred, times over).
Fiche ~n gcéad, twenty per cent.
Le fiche ~ a chur in aon fhocal amháin, to be brief, make a long story short.
~ sé fiche punt air, he valued it at twenty pounds.
Ghabh sé fiche ~ liom, he was profuse in his apologies to me.
Fiche a ~, a ~ is fiche, twenty-nine.
An ~ lá fichead, the twenty-ninth day.
Fiche ~ tar éis a trí, twenty minutes past three.
Fiche a h~, a h~ is fiche, twenty-eight.
Ar an ~ lá fichead, on the twenty-eighth day.
Fiche a ~, a ~ is fiche, twenty-six.
Fiche a ~, a ~ is fiche, twenty-seven.
~ n-uaire fichead, twenty-seven times.
An ~ duine fichead, the twenty-seventh person.
Ar an ~ lá fichead, on the twenty-sixth day.
Dhá shlat fhichead sa ~, twenty-two yards in a chain.
Tá fiche troigh de shnámh aici, she has a twenty-foot draught.
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