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fonn1, m. (gs. & npl. foinn, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: Base, foundation. 2. (a) Soil, ground. (b) Land, territory.
fonn2, m. (gs. & npl. foinn, gpl. ~). Air, tune; melody, song. ~ a ghabháil, to sing. ~ gan focail, song without words. Cur leis an bh~, to sing in tune. Dá mbeadh an ~ agam, if I knew the air. Prov: Gabhtar ~ le fonn agus ~ le mífhonn, things are done with a good or a bad grace. S.a. fonn3.
fonn3, m. (gs. foinn). Desire, wish, inclination, urge. ~ a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh, to be eager to do sth. ~ gáire, inclination to laugh. ~ codlata, desire for sleep. ~ oibre, eagerness for work. Tá ~ cainte orthu, they are in humour for talking. Bhí ~ troda air, he was looking for a fight. Má tá ~ siúil ort, if you are in a mood for walking. Bhí ~ caointe uirthi, she wanted to cry. Ó tá ~ a dhéanta ort, since you feel inclined to do it. Níl ~ imeachta orthu, they don’t want to go. Níl ~ abhaile air inniu, he is not disposed to go home today. Chuirfeadh sé ~ orla ort, it would make you feel like vomiting. Má bhuaileann an ~ é, if the humour takes him. Más ~ leat é, if you wish it. Ar bheagán foinn, without much enthusiasm. Is beag dá fhonn atá orm, I don’t feel like it very much. Is maith an fear an ~, enthusiasm goes a long way. ~ a níos fiach, where there is a will there’s a way. Chuaigh ag an bh~ ar an bhfaitíos aige, desire overcame his fear; his eagerness got the better of him. Rud a dhéanamh le ~, to do sth. eagerly, gladly. Le ~ achrainn a rinne sé é, he did it because he wanted to cause trouble. Le ~ nó le mífhonn, with a good or a bad grace, willingly or unwillingly. D’fhonn, with a view to, in order to. D’fhonn fearg a chur orm, hoping to, in order to, anger me. D’fhonn is go, in the hope that, so that.
In aghaidh m’fhoinn agus m’~, against my wish and inclination.
Bhí fearg, fonn troda, orm, I was angry, eager to fight.
Má bhuaileann an fonn é, if he takes the notion.
Má tá an fonn ort chuige, if you feel that way inclined.
Dán, amhrán, fonn, aoir, a dhéanamh, to make a poem, a song, a tune, a satire.
Bhí fonn ~a orm, I wanted to hear.
~ foinn, eager longing, enthusiasm.
~ agus fonn, people and land.
Ag ~áil cheoil, fhoinn, singing.
~ann sé le fonn álainn, it goes, is sung, to a lovely air.
~ cheoil, fhoinn, singing.
3. ~ foinn, singer.
Tá fonn imris air, he is up to mischief.
Níl fonn ~ orm, I don’t wish to go in.
Níl fonn ~a air, he is not inclined to make himself useful.
Fonn ~ cainte, great desire to talk.
Siúd is ~ bhfuil an fonn orm, even though I am not in the mood.
~ a bhuaileadh an fonn é, whenever he felt inclined.
~ foinn, stave of a song.
Croch suas ~ foinn, give us a bar of a song.
Buail suas ~ (ceoil, foinn) dúinn, strike up a tune for us.
Fonn ~, vehement desire.
Má tá fonn trasnála ort, if you want an argument.
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