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glac1, f. (gs. -aice, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Hand; half-closed, hand; clutch, grasp. Rud a bheith i do ghlac agat, to have sth. in one’s hand, in one’s grasp. Chuir sé isteach i mo ghlac é, he put it into my hand, pressed it on me. Tá sé i gcúl a ghlaice aige, he has it in the hollow of his hand. Lán glaice de rud, handful of sth. Lán glaice de dhuine, diminutive person. Cloch ghlaice, handstone, casting-stone. S.a. fead1. 2. Handful. ~ arbhair, mhine, handful of corn, of meal. (Of small quantity) ~ leabhar, tuí, scéalta, handful of books, of straw, of stories. 3. Fork, recess. ~ crainn, fork of tree. ~ mhara, inlet of sea, creek. I n~ an ghleanna, in the hollow of the glen. I n~ a ordóige, in the crook of his thumb. Crochta as ~ an chúpla, hanging from the joint of the rafters. 4. Holder, receptacle. ~ saighead, quiver. 5. Cards:Cluiche a chur as cúl glaice, to win a straight game. Cluiche glaice, jink.
glac2, v.t. (pp. ~tha). Take, accept. 1. Lit: Take in hand, handle. Giolla a ghlacas graí, a boy who handles horses. 2. (a)Rud a ghlacadh ó dhuine, to accept sth. from s.o. Ní ghlacfadh sé an deoch uaim, he wouldn’t take the drink from me. Bronntanas, síntiús, breab, a ghlacadh, to accept a present, a subscription, a bribe. Geall a ghlacadh, to take a bet. ~ a bhfaighir, (i) take all you get, (ii) (as substantive phrase) hold-all. (Of choice) Cén ceann a ghlacfaidh tú? Which one will you take? (b)Comhairle, tairiscint, a ghlacadh, to take advice, an offer. Má ghlacann tú mo chuireadh, if you accept my invitation. Ná ~ ordú mar sin uaidh, don’t take an order like that from him. (c)Fear, bean, a ghlacadh mar chéile, to take a husband, a wife. Duine a ghlacadh faoi do choimirce, to take s.o. under your protection. Jur:Duine a ghlacadh i gcoimeád, to take s.o. into custody. Duine a ghlacadh isteach i dteaghlach, in ord, to receive s.o. into a family, into an order. (d)Sacraimint a ghlacadh, to receive a sacrament. Ord beannaithe a ghlacadh, to take holy orders. Mionn, móid, a ghlacadh, to take an oath, a vow. (e)Ghlac Mac Dé colainn dhaonna, the Son of God became man. (f)Husb:Stail a ghlacadh, to take a stallion. 3. Undertake. (a)Obair, post, a ghlacadh, to take up work, a post. Dualgas, freagracht, a ghlacadh, to accept a duty, a responsibility. Cúram ruda a ghlacadh, to accept the care of sth. Trioblóid a ghlacadh le rud, to take trouble with sth. Ghlac sé saothar mór leis, he laboured hard at it. Rud a ghlacadh as láimh, ort féin, to take sth. in hand, upon oneself. Ghlac sé air gan labhairt, he undertook not to speak. Ná ~ an iomarca ort féin, don’t take too much on yourself. (b)Áit duine a ghlacadh, to take s.o.’s place. Páirt a ghlacadh i rud, to take part in sth. (c)An bád a ghlacadh (go), to take the boat (to). (d)Laethanta saoire a ghlacadh, to take holidays. Scíth, do shuaimhneas, a ghlacadh, to take a rest, one’s ease. D’am a ghlacadh le rud, to take one’s time with sth. ~ go socair é, take it easy. 4. (a) Contract (disease). Aicíd, an slaghdán, a ghlacadh, to catch a disease, a cold. Ghlac sé fiabhras dá bharr, he got a fever as a result of it. (b) Begin to be affected by, experience. Misneach, meanma, a ghlacadh, to take courage, heart. Trua a ghlacadh do dhuine, to take pity on s.o. Fearg a ghlacadh le duine, to become angry with s.o. Eagla a ghlacadh roimh rud, to become afraid of sth. Ghlac sé go mór é, he took it badly. ~ ina mhórmhisneach é, resign yourself courageously to it. Níl sa náire ach mar a ghlactar é, shame depends on one’s attitude. 5. Obtain by measurement, etc. (a)Airde ruda a ghlacadh, to take the height of sth. Surv:Uillinn a ghlacadh, to take an angle. Miosúr duine a ghlacadh (le culaith), to take s.o.’s measurements (for a suit). (b)Pictiúr a ghlacadh, to take a picture. (c)Nótaí a ghlacadh (ar rud), to take notes (on sth.). 6. ~adh le rud, to accept, admit, sth. ~adh le fianaise, le forógra, le masla, to accept evidence, a proclamation, an insult. Ghlac siad leis mar chomhairleoir, they accepted him as counsellor. ~aimis le toil Dé, let us accept the will of God. Rud nach féidir ~adh leis, something that cannot be accepted. Ní ghlacfainn leis sin uaidh, I wouldn’t tolerate that from him. 7. Rud a ghlacadh chugat féin, to take sth. to oneself, to assume. Ná ~ an focal sin chugat féin, don’t take that remark as referring to yourself. Ghlac siad an comhrá chucu féin, they took over, monopolized, the conversation. 8. (Of feelings, sensations) Take, seize. Ghlac eagla, náire, trua, é, fear, shame, pity, seized him. Ghlac dúil sa bhia mé, I took a liking to the food. Ghlac crith mo ghlór, my voice trembled.
Glac, tóg, d’~ leis, take your time at it.
Cuid d’~a a ghlacadh, to receive communion.
~ a ghlacadh, to receive baptism.
~ a ghabháil, a ghlacadh, le duine, to express thanks to s.o.
~ a bhreith, a ghlacadh, ar dhuine, to take advantage of s.o.
Tá sé de cheart agat saoire a ghlacadh, you are entitled to take a holiday.
Glac a bhfaighidh tú is ná bí ag ~, accept without complaint whatever you get.
Má ghlacann tú ~ uaimse, if you take my tip.
Glacadh i g~, to take into custody.
~ a ghlacadh le duine, le rud, to take an aversion to s.o., to sth.
~ a ghlacadh ó dhuine, to accept a consideration from s.o.
~(a) a ghlacadh, to receive Communion.
~ a thabhairt, a ghlacadh, to give, to take, advice.
~ a ghlacadh le rud, to take a dislike to sth.
Níl mo chuid ort, I am not dependent on you. ~ d’anama a ghlacadh, to take spiritual sustenance; to receive Communion.
Le cúinsí móra a ghlac sé é, he accepted it after a lot of fuss, of coaxing.
Ghlac sé leis gan chúinse, he accepted it unconditionally.
Ghlac sé leis ar na cuntair sin, he accepted it on those terms.
~ glacadh leis, be pleased to accept it.
1. ~ a dhéanamh, a thabhairt, a fháil, a ghlacadh, (i, as, rud), to make, give, get, accept, payment (for sth.).
Ná glac ~ uaidh, don’t take no for an answer from him.
~ ghlaice, finger-whistle.
D’fhéad tú mo chomhairle a ghlacadh, you might have taken my advice.
~ a ghlacadh le rud, to take offence at sth.
Glac, déan, ~! Be steady! Have patience!
~ na tíre a ghabháil, a ghlacadh, to assume control of the country.
~aim agus glacaim í, I take and accept her (as spouse).
~ ruda, acceptance of sth.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be willing to accept sth.
Tá ~ (maith) aige ar airgead, he is always glad to get money.
Níl ~ aige ar arán tur, he won’t take dry bread.
Níl ~ acu orainn, they don’t want us in their company.
~ duine (isteach) in ord, reception of s.o. into an order.
Ordú glactha, reception order.
Rud a ghlacadh ina ghreann, to treat, take, sth. as a joke.
Bó a ghlacadh ar a ~, to arrange for the feeding of a cow in return for its milk.
Rud a ghlacadh, a thógáil, ar láimh, as láimh, i láimh, to undertake sth.
Ghlac sé an gasúr as láimh, he took the boy in hand.
~ boise, doirn, glaice, palmful, fistful, handful.
~ a thógáil, a ghlacadh, ar rud, to take a lease of sth.
~anna a thógáil, a ghlacadh, to take bearings.
Glac ~, take heart.
~ a ghlacadh i rud, to take a small part, play a secondary part, in sth.
Glac ~, take heart.
Ní mó ná sin is féidir glacadh leis (go), no more than that can it be accepted (that).
Rud a ghlacadh ina mhórmhisneach, to accept sth. philosophically.
Glac meanma is ~, take heart and spirit.
~ raibh tú sásta leis cad chuige ar ghlac tú é? If you were not satisfied with it why did you accept it?
~ a ghlacadh i rud, to take part in sth.
~ duine a ghabháil, a ghlacadh, a thógáil, to take the part of s.o.
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