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scéal, m. (gs. -éil, pl. ~ta). Story. 1. Historical, biographical, account. ~ na hÉireann, the story of Ireland. ~ a bheatha, the story of his life. Mo ~ féin, my own (life-)story. 2. Narrative; tale, anecdote. ~ a insint, to tell a story. ~ grá, love-story. ~ grinn, funny story. ~ an chaipín deirg, an ghamhna bhuí, mhadra na n-ocht gcos; ~ ó Shamhain go Bealtaine, long-drawn-out story, rambling tale. ~ fada ar an anró, a long tale of woe. Tá ~ fada orthu, they are a remarkable lot. Tarraingíonn ~ ~ eile, one story begets another. 3. Account of event. ~ tubaisteach, tragic story. Más fíor a ~, if his story is true. Níor tháinig fear inste scéil díobh, none of them survived to tell the tale. ~ i mbarr bata, cock-and-bull story. Le ~ gairid a dhéanamh de; le ~ fada a dhéanamh gairid; trí gach aon ~, to make a long story short. 4. Piece of news, report. ~ nua, news. ~ scéil, hearsay. ~ rúin, secret. Tá an ~ amuigh (go), there is a rumour going (that). Níl ~ úr ná sean~ agam, I don’t know what is going on in the world. Is maith ~ gan droch~, no news is good news. 5. Theme, plot. ~ an dráma, the story of the play. 6. State of affairs, matter, circumstance. Seo mar atá an ~, this is how the matter stands. Is é an rud is measa ar an ~ (go), the worst of it is (that). Sin ~ eile ar fad, that is quite another story. Ba mhór an ~ a bhás, his death was a tragic event. Is beag, is maith, an ~ thú, you brought it on yourself. S.a. dáil1 8 (c). 7. Matter for reproach. Ní ~ ort é, it is no reproach to you.
Scéal ~, a strange, peculiar, story.
Ag sin an scéal duit, there, that, is the story for you.
~ a chur le scéal, to add to a story.
Chuir sé ~ sa scéal, he added to, qualified, the statement.
Scéal ~, a tall story.
Is ~ an scéal é, it is a terrible affair.
Is ~ an scéal atá agat, your story is absurd.
3. An scéal a ainliú, to handle the matter adroitly.
Tá an scéal go h~, things are in a sorry state.
Ná h~ an scéal sin, don’t carry that story (to other ears).
~ scéil, eachtra, repetition of a story, recital of an adventure.
Scéal a ~, to tell a story.
Ní raibh sé in ann an scéal a chur in ~ a chéile, he was not able to tell the story coherently.
Scéal, cás, ~, unusual story, case.
Tá ~ scéalta air, he is uneasy, eager, for news.
Ná bí ~ ná anall leis an scéal, don’t shilly shally over it.
Ná tabhair, ná tarraing, ~ an scéal sin, don’t mention that story.
Bíodh an scéal ina ~ marbh, let the matter rest.
Bhí deireadh tubaisteach ar an scéal, the story had a tragic ending.
Tá ainm, scéal, air sin, there is a name for, a story about, that.
Ná cuir an scéal sin os ~, don’t publicize that story.
Scéal a ársaí, to tell a story.
Is é sin an scéal ~ liom, I am delighted to hear that.
Scéal, dráma, a athchóiriú, to adapt a story, a play.
Tá ~ scéil anois aige, now he has a different tale to tell.
Chuir sé a bhail féin ar an scéal, he told his own version of the story.
Murar cuireadh leis an scéal níor ~eadh de, the story lost nothing in the telling.
Ná déan deimhin, dóigh, scéal, de do bharúil, do not jump to conclusions.
~ an scéal dúinn, give us the exact story.
Chuaigh an scéal ó bhéal go ~, the story was reported from mouth to mouth.
Ba é an chéad bhia ar an sliogán dó na scéalta sin, he was nurtured on those tales.
Scéal ~a, detective story.
Is ~ an scéal é, it is a sad state of affairs.
Tá mé ~ ag éisteacht libh, leis an scéal sin, I am tired listening to you, hearing that story.
Bhí mo chluasa bodhraithe aige leis an scéal, he was dinning the story into my ears.
Scéal a bhreacadh do dhuine, to set forth a matter for s.o.
Tá an scéal go ~ aige, he is in a nice fix, has made a right mess of things.
Is é sin mo bhreathnú ar an scéal, that is what I think of the matter.
Is é seo ~ mo scéil, this is the purport of my story.
Ní a bhriseadh do scéil é, not interrupting your story.
Scéal ~, filthy story.
Is é sin ~ agus barr mo scéil, that is the whole of my story.
~ scéil, basis of story.
Ba mhaith liom fios bunaidh an scéil a bheith agam, I should like to get at the underlying facts of the story.
Scéal a bhfuil ~ air, long-drawn-out, silly, story.
~ an scéil, the root of the matter.
Tusa is ~ leis an scéal, leis an rud ar fad, you invented the story, started the whole thing.
Scéal a bhfuil ~ leis, a story that is well-founded.
~ é scéal agat? How are things?
Scéal chailleach an uafáis, wild rumour; scare.
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