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In aid of, ar mhaithe le.
He laid his ambitions on the altar, thug cúl lena mhian (ar mhaithe le cúis, etc.).
For the sake of appearances, ar mhaithe le clú, le honóir.
To, for, on, s.o.'s behoof, ar mhaithe le duine; ar son duine.
For his own behoof, ar mhaithe leis féin.
For the benefit of the poor, ar mhaithe leis na boicht.
I did it for conscience sake, rinne ar mhaithe le mo choinsias é.
To contribute to the success of sth., oibriú ar mhaithe le rud, chun leasa do rud, ar son ruda.
Marriage of convenience, pósadh ar mhaithe le spré.
For form's sake, as a matter of form, ar mhaithe le gnás.
A mere formality, gnás folamh, beart ar mhaithe le gnás.
I did it out of friendship, i bpáirt mhaitheasa, ar mhaithe leis, a rinne é.
For the furtherance of, in furtherance of sth., ar mhaithe le rud, le rud a chur chun cinn.
He has your welfare at heart, ar mhaithe leat, chun do leasa, atá .
He is acting in his own interest, ar mhaithe leis féin atá ag obair.
He acted from interested motives, ar mhaithe leis féin a d'oibrigh .
To do sth. for filthy lucre, rud a dhéanamh ar mhaithe le na pinginí.
He did it to oblige me, ar mhaithe le gar a dhéanamh dom a bhí ; mar chomaoin orm a rinne é.
Pro forma, ar mhaithe le foirmiúlacht.
To put oneself out for s.o., cur as duit féin ar mhaithe le duine.
For the sake of s.o., mar, ar, mhaithe le duine; ar son duine.
Art for art's sake, ealaín ar mhaithe leis an ealaín.
To save appearances, ar mhaithe le clú.
He acted from selfish motives, ar mhaithe leis féin a rinne é.
To stand aside in favour of s.o., tarraingt siar ar mhaithe le duine.
It was only for the sake of talking, raibh ann ach ar mhaithe le caint.
He acted from unselfish motives, ar mhaithe leis féin a bhí .
Jur: To watch a case, freastal ar chúis (ar mhaithe le duine).
(Of candidate) To withdraw in favour of s.o., an áit a fhágáil ar mhaithe le duine eile.
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