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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for come off »
come off, v.i. 1 (Prep. use) a Tagaim anuas, tuirlingím de (bhord, etc.). b To come off the gold standard, éirí as caighdeán an óir. 2 (Adv. use) a (Of button, etc.) Imíonn, scaoileann, titeann; (of stain, etc.) imíonn, glanann. There is a smell coming off it, tá boladh air. The colour came off on my dress, ghreamaigh an dath do mo ghúna. b (Of ship aground) Baineann, téann ar snámh. c (Of event) Tarlaíonn, titeann amach; (of attempt, etc.) éiríonn le; téann i gcion. The marriage didn't come off, ní dearnadh an pósadh; ní raibh aon phósadh ann. d (Of pers.) They came off badly, ní go maith a d'éirigh leo. He came off victorious, bhí an báire leis; rug sé an chraobh leis.
He did, came off, badly, ní go maith a d'éirigh leis.
I came off badly in that affair, ní raibh mórán dá bharr sin agam.
To come off guard, scor de gharda.
He came off second-best, fuair sé an chuid ba mheasa de.
To come off with a whole skin, teacht slán.
You came off well, scarais go maith leis.
It came off well, d'éirigh go binn leis.
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