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I thought I was acting for the best, le dea-rún a rinneas é.
He was animated by the best intentions, neart dea-rúin a bhí á spreagadh.
A person who has a good appetite, duine dea-ghoiliúil.
It augurs no good, ní dea-chomhartha é.
Auspicious sign, dea-chomhartha m.
He bears a good character, tá dea-chlú air.
He acted for the best, le dea-rún a rinne sé é.
It bodes no good, ní dea-mhana ar bith é; ní thiocfaidh maith ar bith as.
(Good) breeding, dea-mhúineadh. S.a. ILL-BREEDING.
He brings us good news, tá dea-scéala leis chugainn.
To bring sth. to a successful issue, rud a thabhairt chun dea-chríche.
To work in a good cause, oibriú ar son dea-chúise.
F: To give s.o. a good character, dea-cháil a thabhairt ar dhuine.
Good citizenship, dea-shaoránacht f.
He is clever with his hands, tá sé dea-lámhach; tá an-lámha aige.
With the publisher's compliments, le dea-mhéin an fhoilsitheora.
Complimentary copy, cóip f dea-mhéine.
To put a good, bad, construction on s.o.'s words, dea-, droch-chiall a bhaint as caint duine.
Courtesy of the road, dea-bhéasa an bhóthair.
F: Politeness is at a discount, tá na dea-bhéasa faoi ráta.
He did a discreditable examination-paper, níorbh aon dea-theist air an páipéar scrúdaithe a rinne sé.
Man of discrimination, fear grinn, dea-aithneach.
He is well disposed, ill disposed, to me, tá dea-chroí, droch-chroí, aige dom.
Very early in the morning, go dea-mhoch ar maidin; ar béal maidine; sa deargmhaidin.
Well-equipped, dea-chóirithe, deisiúil, áirgiúil.
To set a good example, dea-shampla a thabhairt uait.
A person who gives good example, duine dea-shamplach.
An exemplary husband, togha fear céile, fear céile dea-shamplach.
To put a good, a brave, face on a bad business, dea-dhealramh a chur ar drochghnó.
Good faith, dea-rún m, intinn mhaith.
Good, ill, fame, dea-cháil, droch-cháil.
A pleasant-featured person, duine dea-ghnúiseach.
To have a fine figure, bheith dea-dhéanta.
A magnificent figure of a man, fear breá dea-dhéanta.
He has a flair for bargains, cuireann sé boladh an dea-mhargaidh (go cruinn).
It is good form, baineann sé le dea-bhéasa.
By good fortune, ar ámharaí an tsaoil, ar an dea-uair.
To lead a good life, dea-bheatha a chaitheamh.
He led a good life, bhí sé dea-bheathach.
Good conduct, good behaviour, dea-iompar.
Good men and true, dea-mhuintir dhílis; fir fhónta chóra.
Good feeling, dea-intinn f, dea-rún m.
Good nature, dea-chroí m.
I still retain his good will, tá dea-rún m fós aige dom.
He took the people's goodwill for granted, d'áirigh sé dea-mhéin na ndaoine a bheith leis.
Man of grit, who has plenty of grit, fear dea-mhianaigh; fear a bhfuil faghairt agus fuinneamh ann.
A happy death, dea-bhás m.
Big-hearted, great-hearted, dea-chroíoch.
In all honesty, le dea-rún.
Hopeful sign, dea-chomhartha m.
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