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dry1, a. Tirim. 1 a (Of well, country) Tirim. Dry land, an talamh tirim. S.a. DOCK3 . To pump a well dry, tobar a thaomadh go tóin. To wring clothes dry, an t-uisce a fháscadh as éadach. The stream ran, went, dry, thriomaigh an sruthán. The well ran, went, dry, chuaigh an tobar i ndísc. (Of speaker, writer) He soon runs dry, is gearr go spíontar é. Dry weather, triomach m. Dry wine, fíon neamh-mhilis. S.a. HIGH I. 7. b Ind: etc: Dry process, oibriú tirim. Dry crushing, brú tirim. Dry masonry, saoirseacht thirim. S.a. WALL1 1. c Dry clothing, éadaí tirime. Dry bread, arán tur. (Of goods, etc.) 'To be kept dry', 'coimeádtar tirim'. d F: (Of pers.) I am, feel, dry, tart m, spalladh m, orm. Dry work, obair thartmhar. 2 F: Dry country, tír thur. 3 Tur, neamhspéisiúil. A dry subject, ábhar tur. 4 a Dry smile, leamhgháire m, gáire dóite. Dry humour, greann tur. b Dry reception, fáilte dhoicheallach. 5 Dry goods, earraí tirime.   drily, adv. Go tur.
dry2 1 v.tr. Triomaím (rud). To dry (up) the dishes, na soithí a thriomú. She dried her eyes, thriomaigh a súile. 2 v.i. a Triomaíonn, éiríonn tirim. To put sth. out to dry, rud a chur amach ar triomú. b Husb: (Of cow) Triomaíonn.
Wet, dry, analysis, anailís fhliuch, thirim.
Dried bean, pónaire thirim.
French, dry, cleaner, tirimghlantóir m.
Dry cooper, fonsóir m.
Cut and dried opinions, barúlacha súchaite.
Dry dock, graving dock, duga tirim, grábhála.
To drain s.o. dry, duine a bhánú, a shailleadh.
Writer who has drained himself dry, scríbhneoir atá spíonta, tráite.
Dried fruits, torthaí tíortha.
Little dried-up man, firín beag seargtha.
Dry up! i do thost! dún do bhéal!
Dry-bulb thermometer, teirmiméadar m bleibthirim.
Drying ground, drying yard, ionlach m triomaithe.
Laund: Drying line, sreang f tuartha.
Ind: Drying cupboard, drying closet, almóir m triomaithe.
Drying quality (of a varnish), triomú m.
F: Political dry-rot, meath m polaitíochta.
He looked on with dry eyes, d'fhair gach gan deoir a theacht ina shúil.
Dried fruit, toradh tirim.
Nau: (Of ship) High and dry, ar an trá thirim.
F: To leave s.o. high and dry, duine a fhágáil ar an trá fholamh.
Dry land, talamh tirim.
Dry murrain, tart bruithleacháin.
Drying oven, oigheann triomaithe.
F: To keep one's powder dry, bheith faoi réir don chruachás.
To pump a well dry, tobar a dhísciú le caidéal.
To put clothes out to dry, éadach m a chur amach ar triomú.
To rub sth. dry, rud a chuimilt go mbeidh tirim.
He has not a dry stitch on him, níl snáithe tirim ar a chraiceann.
To suck s.o. dry, an phingin dheireanach a bhaint de dhuine; duine a shailleadh.
Dry wall, balla fuar.
Dry wine, sweet wine, fíon neamh-mhilis, fíon milis.
To wipe sth. dry, rud a thriomú (le ceirt, etc.).
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