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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for fall to »
fall to, v.i. a Ionsaím orm (ag obair); cuirim chun oibre. b Preabaim isteach (san iomaíocht). c Luím isteach ar bhéile, cromaim ar ithe.
To fall behind, titim chun deiridh.
To fall over a cliff, titim le haill.
To enter, fall, into conversation with s.o., forrán cainte, cleite comhrá, ceiliúr, a chur ar dhuine.
To fall into disrepute, drochainm a fháil.
To fall down, titim go talamh, ar an talamh.
To fall down the stairs, titim síos, anuas, an staighre.
To fall on evil days, titim in umar na haimiléise.
To fall down in a faint, titim i bhfanntais, i laige.
To try a fall with s.o., babhta iomrascála, coraíochta, a dhéanamh le duine.
To fall to the ground (from on high), titim go talamh.
To fall off a ladder, titim (anuas) de dhréimire.
To let fall, (i) ligean do (phláta) titim; (ii) (an dallóg) a ísliú; (iii) (ingear) a tharraingt.
To fall to the ground, titim ar an talamh.
To fall on one's knees, titim ar do dhá ghlúin.
To fall by the sword, bás de rinn a fháil.
To fall (to temptation), géilleadh do chathú.
To fall to pieces, titim as a chéile.
Nau: To fall to leeward, titim faoin ngaoth.
To fall from one's position, béim síos a fháil.
To fall in esteem, meas a chailleadh.
To fall (up)on the enemy, dul i ngleic leis an namhaid.
It fell to her share, thit sé uirthi.
It falls on me to..., ormsa atá sé..., tá sé de dhualgas ormsa . . .
It fell to me to . . ., ar mo cheannsa a thit sé . . .
To fall across s.o., bualadh le duine trí thaisme.
To fall on a means of doing sth., teacht ar shlí chun rud a dhéanamh.
To fall into a habit, tosú ar nós a chleachtadh.
To fall out of a habit, nós a thabhairt suas.
To fall into error, dul in earráid.
He fell a victim to drink, fuair an t-ól an lámh in uachtar air.
To fall to sth., to doing sth., cromadh ar rud, ar rud a dhéanamh.
To fall back on substitutes, bheith taobh le, i muinín, ionadaithe.
Sum put by to fall back upon, suim a cuireadh i dtaisce le haghaidh lá na coise tinne.
To fall back on lies, dul i muinín na mbréag.
To fall down before s.o., umhlú go talamh roimh dhuine.
To fall in with s.o., bualadh le duine.
To fall in with s.o.'s opinion, géilleadh do thuairim duine.
To fall in with a proposal, aontú m le tairiscint.
(Of plan, etc.) To fall in with . . ., réiteach le . . ., teacht le ...
To fall flop, titim de phlap.
To fall to the ground, titim ar lár.
The scheme fell to the ground, thit an tóin as an scéim.
To get out, fall out, of a habit, dul as cleachtadh.
To fall into enemy hands, titim idir lámha, i láimh, an namhad.
To drop, fall, to leeward, titim le gaoth.
To let fall, ligean do (rud) titim.
F: I will try to fall into line with your ideas, déanfad iarracht ar theacht ar aon aigne leat.
To fall out of line, dul as an líne.
It fell to his lot (to do it), tháinig sé ar a chrann (é a dhéanamh).
To fall in love with s.o., titim i ngrá le duine.
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