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Similar words: allele · gaille · geall · lean le · allege
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It is almost finished, tá sé ionann is, geall le, críochnaithe.
He looks as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox, is geall le cat siopa é.
To bet against s.o., geall a chur le duine.
I'll bet you anything you like, cuirfidh mé do rogha geall leat; cuirfidh mé a bhfuil agam leat.
As to the disposal of the residue . . ., i dtaobh an rud a dhéanfaí leis an bhfuílleach . . ., mar gheall ar an áit a gcuirfí an fuílleach ...
Not far from it, geall leis, i ngar dó.
It savours of the marvellous, is geall le míorúilt é.
It is a nightmare to me, is geall le tromluí dhom é; tá mé as mo chiall aige.
With practical unanimity, d'aonghuth beagnach, d'fhéadfá a rá, geall leis de.
New or pretty nearly so, nua nó geall leis.
It is quite a romance, is geall le finscéal é.
These little jobs come as a relaxation, is geall le scíth an ghiotamáil bheag seo.
He succeeded but at the sacrifice of his health, d'éirigh leis ach bhí a shláinte i ngeall leis.
To secure a debt by pledges, geallta a chur le fiacha; bannaí a thabhairt i bhfiacha.
He is my second self, mé féin ar athbhreith é, is geall le cuid díom féin é.
Silence gives consent, is geall le toil tost, ionann éisteacht agus aontú.
I will speak to him about it, labhród leis mar gheall air.
It spells ruin, is geall le creach é; is ionann agus creach é.
F: He is in a fine way about it, (i) tá sé le craobhacha mar gheall air; (ii) tá sé ag goilleadh go trom air.
Pretty well all, an t-iomlán beagnach, geall leis de.
Nearly the whole of our resources, ár maoin go léir geall leis de; bunáite ár maoine ar fad.
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