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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for whole »
whole. I a. 1 a A: Slán; folláin. B: His hand was made whole, do leigheasadh a lámh. b (Of pers.) Slán, sábháilte; (of thg.) slán, gan bhriseadh. 2 a Iomlán. Ox roasted whole, mart rósta ina iomláine. He swallowed it whole, (i) shlog sé d'aon ailp amháin é; (ii) F: chreid sé an uile fhocal de. Mth: Whole number, slánuimhir f. Whole length, fad m iomlán. Whole coffee, caife m gan mheilt. Whole-leather binding, láncheangal m leathair. b To tell the whole truth, iomlán na fírinne a insint. The whole world, an saol mór; an domhan iomlán. It lasted a whole week, mhair sé seachtain iomlán. A whole year, bliain mhór fhada. The whole family died of it, cailleadh an mhuirín uile leis. The whole story, iomlán an scéil. II   whole, s. Iomlán m. The whole of the school, iomlán na scoile; an scoil go léir, ar fad, uile. Nearly the whole of our resources, ár maoin go léir geall leis de; bunáite ár maoine ar fad. The whole amounts to five pounds, cúig phunt an t-iomlán. As a whole, ina iomláine. Taken as a whole, san iomlán. (Up)on the whole, tríd agus tríd. The work on the whole is good, tríd is tríd, tá an obair go maith.
The whole town was agog, bhí an baile go huile ar fuaidreamh.
A whole batch of letters, dornán mór litreacha.
F: The whole of Europe was in a blaze, bhí an lasóg sa bharrach ó cheann ceann na hEorpa.
The whole blessed lot of them, an t-iomlán dearg acu.
P: The whole boiling, an t-iomlán dearg, an gleann is a bhfuil ann.
The whole caboodle, an t-iomlán dearg, an gleann is a bhfuil ann.
Story invented out of whole cloth, scéal gan aon bhunús; scéal a cumadh.
The whole concern is for sale, tá an t-iomlán le díol.
The consecration of a whole life to a single object, dílseacht saoil d'aon chuspóir amháin.
The whole country has been laid under contribution, tá cáin leagtha ar an tír ar fad.
To cut the whole concern, an gnó ar fad a chaitheamh in aer, i gcártaí.
From the window the eye embraces the whole valley, tá radharc ón bhfuinneog ar an ngleann ar fad.
The whole fabric of society, an creatlach sóisialta ar fad.
The whole town was in a state of ferment, bhí coipeadh ar mhuintir an bhaile go léir.
He has the whole business at his fingers' ends, tá an scéal go léir ar deil aige, tá an scéal go léir faoi mar tá an port ag an bpíobaire aige.
The part for the whole, an chuid ar son an iomláin.
The whole gang, an aicme go léir.
To go through the whole programme, an clár a chríochnú.
Whole-hearted, ó chroí.
Whole-hearted laugh, gáire croíúil.
Heart-whole affection, cion dílis, dáiríre.
To go the whole hog, dul go bun an angair.
A (whole) host of servants, scata mór seirbhíseach.
Machine that jars the whole house, inneall a chroitheas an teach go léir.
He would go to all lengths, the whole length, rachadh sé go bun an angair (le rud).
Standing here you look down on the whole plain, i do sheasamh anseo dhuit tá radharc síos uait ar an machaire uile.
The whole lot of you, a bhfuil ann agaibh.
We made the whole distance in ten days, chuireamar an tslí uile dínn deich lá.
The whole nation rose in arms, chuaigh an tír go huile, an pobal iomlán, chun ceannairce.
Nearly the whole of my money, mo chuid airgid ar fad beagnach; bunáite mo chuid airgid.
Whole number, uimhir iomlán; slánuimhir.
That's the whole thing in a nutshell, sin an scéal uile i mbeagán focal.
The whole of the work, iomlán na hoibre.
The whole range of polls, gnó na polaitíochta ar fad.
The whole range of events, na cúrsaí uile go léir.
He owned the whole show, ba leis an gleann is a raibh ann.
To come off with a whole skin, teacht slán.
It has soured his whole life, d'fhág sé cianach, searbh, riamh ó shin é.
F: His life spans the whole century, chonaic sé an céad ó cheann ceann.
To buy the whole stock of a business, an siopa agus a bhfuil ann a cheannach.
It shall be my whole study to please you, ní bheidh ar m'aire ach do shásamh.
Mil: The whole line swung to the left, chas an líne iomlán tuathal.
It takes up the whole room, tá an seomra uile faoi.
The whole town was talking about it, bhí an scéal i mbéal gach duine ar an mbaile.
Whole tone, lánton.
Father with a whole tribe of children, athair agus scata mór páistí leis.
F: The whole bag of tricks, an mangarae ar fad i dteannta a chéile; na cip agus na meanaí.
F: Let us wash out the whole business, fágaimis marbh mar scéal é.
Whole-meal bread, caiscín m.
The whole world, gach duine, an saol ar fad.
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