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Admitted custom, gnás coitianta.
It is authorized by custom, tá glactha leis de réir gnáis.
Custom consecrated by time, gnás m seanbhunaithe.
Social conventions, gnáis an phobail, na cuideachta.
It was a departure from his usual habits, b'athrú m gnáis aige é.
To do away with, deireadh a chur le (gnás, etc.); (foirgneamh) a leagan go talamh; (duine) a mharú, a chur dá chois.
After the fashion of . . ., de réir gnáis . . ., ar nós . . .
For form's sake, as a matter of form, ar mhaithe le gnás.
It is a mere matter of form, níl ann ach gnás folamh.
A mere formality, gnás folamh, beart ar mhaithe le gnás.
I don't make a habit of it, níl sé ina ghnás agam, de nós agam.
After the manner of the kings, de réir ghnás na ríthe.
Manners change with the times, ní lia aois ná gnás.
Native customs, dress, gnás, éadach, na tíre.
Old-established custom, gnás atá ann le fada an lá.
To observe the proprieties, na gnásanna a leanúint.
It is the rule to . . ., is é an gnás atá ann go . . .
To make it a rule to..., gnás a dhéanamh de go...
The Rule of the Road, gnás an bhealaigh.
F: It has the sanction of custom, tá sé ceadaithe ó ghnás.
F: The shackles of convention, ceangail mpl an ghnáis.
Sin against custom, col gnáis.
To sin against custom, gnás a choilleadh.
It is a sound rule to . . ., is céillí an gnás é . . .
Custom that still subsists, gnás a mhaireas go fóill, atá beo go fóill.
To be unfamiliar with the customs, gan taithí, cleachtadh, a bheith agat ar na gnásanna; bheith dall ar na gnásanna.
According to use and wont, de réir gnáis agus cleachtaidh.
It is the usual practice, is é an gnás é.
Ways and customs, nósanna agus gnásanna.
It is a habit with me, tá sé ina, de, ghnás agam.
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