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léin could be a grammatical form of: léan »
Breast of a shirt, brollach léine.
Charity begins at home, dá ghoireacht do dhuine a chóta is goire dó a léine.
He wore a flour-bag for a shirt, bhíodh mála plúir mar léine air.
Shirt frill, rufa m léine.
Laund: To get up a shirt, léine a bhláthú.
In his shirt, ina léine.
Issue shirt, léine airm.
Lady's smock, léine Mhuire.
Shirt open at the neck, léine faoi mhuineál oscailte.
To give s.o. a run for his money, lán a léine a thabhairt do dhuine.
Soft shirt, léine bhog.
Dress shirt, starched shirt, boiled shirt, léine chaol, chrua.
In his shirt-tails, ina léine.
Shirt of mail, léine mháilleach.
In his shirt-sleeves, i gcabhail a léine.
Shirt with white spots, léine agus baill bhána inti.
Starched shirt, léine stáirseáilte.
Stiff shirt, léine chrua.
Tail of a shirt, eireaball léine.
Undervest, léine chnis.
Unlucky day, lá léin, lá léanmhar.
(Under)vest, léine chnis.
White shirt, léine gheal.
Your shirt is wrong side out, tá an taobh contráilte de do léine amuigh agat.
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