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Similar words: rope-off · come off · enfeoff · feoff · move off
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To cast off one's allegiance to a party, imeacht ó pháirtí, scaradh le páirtí.
To fence off one corner of a field, cúinne de pháirc a dhealú ón gcuid eile le claí.
To be off one's food, an goile a bheith caillte agat.
To take off one's coat, do chóta a bhaint díot.
To put off one's guests, na cuirí a chur ar ceal.
To round off one's sentences, bailchríoch a chur ar do chuid abairtí.
To rub one's skin off, do chraiceann a roiseadh.
To start (away, off, out, on one's way), cur chun bóthair; dul i gceann aistir.
To take one's eyes off sth., do shúil a thógáil de rud.
To take off one's clothes, do chuid éadaí a bhaint díot.
To tell off one's men, gach aon duine a chur i mbun a chúraim féin.
To wear off the stiffness of one's shoes, do bhróga a aclú (lena gcaitheamh).
To work off one's fat, do mheáchan a laghdú le hobair.
To work off one's bad temper on s.o., do racht a ligean amach, a ídiú, ar dhuine.
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